[Reader-list] Walk the Big Walk

aizura at onlinecide.org aizura at onlinecide.org
Mon Dec 3 07:46:31 IST 2001

Dear Shuddha,

Thanks for the Walk for Capitalism post -- it was hilarious. In a terrible way. We in Melbourne had *plans* to attend with signs 
saying things like 'The poor should stay that way', 'Bow down to the rich' and 'We love Big Brother' as a way of upstaging the protest. 
Unfortunately lots of us ended up in the country at a music festival -- being lazy, indeed!

I guess you'll probably know by now, but the Asialink application I made wasn't successful. They were very encouraging, though, 
and I'm definitely thikning about either applying next year or getting to Delhi some other way, perhaps next year. I'll keep in 
touch. Thanks so much for your letter of support, though.

Take care, and I hope the surreal violence of the past couple of crazy months hasn't left you depressed and flat like so many 

Best wishes

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