[Reader-list] study of successful use of open source in NPs

Kanti Kumar oneworld at del3.vsnl.net.in
Tue Dec 11 18:45:42 IST 2001

Hello Friends,

Forwarding from DDN list. Some of you may be able to help.


Kanti Kumar
Editor, Digital Opportunity Channel
OneWorld South Asia
3rd Floor
17 Panchsheel Commcercial Centre
New Delhi 110017
Tel: 91-11-6498791, -94, -95


  -----Original Message-----
  From: The DIGITALDIVIDE discussion group
  [mailto:DIGITALDIVIDE at OWA.BENTON.ORG]On Behalf Of Jayne Cravens
  Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 6:40 PM
  Subject: [DIGITALDIVIDE] study of successful use of open source in NPs

  (please cc your comments to Michelle directly; she is not a subscriber to
  the DDNetwork list)

  NOSI (the Non Profit Open Source Initiative) is looking for specific case
  studies of the successful (or unsuccessful) use of open-source software
  (Linux/BSD, Open Office, Apache, Sendmail, Mozilla etc.) in a non-profit
  organization. This can be anything from a very small project, to the
  reworking of an entire infrastructure, and everything in between.

  Please give us as many details as possible, perils and pitfalls, and
  lessons learned. Also please indicate whether you personally would be
  willing to present it at some point (potentially at the round-up, but this
  is not at all necessary, but we'd like to know), and any other pertinent
  info (like "please use the case study, but don't include the org's name",
  or some such instructions like that. )

  Also, if folks have specific open-source projects they'd like to showcase,
  we are working on a list, and feel free to send me mail on those as well.

  Thanks very much! You can send them directly to me, or post them on the
  nosi-discussion list (nosi-discussion at nosi.net).


  Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
  tech at murrain.net
  http://www.murrain.net/ for pgp public key

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