Revenge of the Nerds Was: Re: [Reader-list] The Commercial Cycle

Pankaj Kaushal pankaj at
Sat Jul 7 10:52:17 IST 2001

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 10:02:31PM -0700, Neeraj Sharma wrote:
>I would like to reiterate my thought, "Nothing against
>the role of market leader becomes decisive, especially
>when they hold 90% of the market. After all, they set
>trends (well, mostly)!

The Point raised by Neeraj is very good.

Me wants to add a little more 

Whenever a big company comes with a product be it
sony with there Mini Disc / PS2  Microsoft with the Xbox or Sun with Java.
They highlight it in such a way and all of the sudden all the existing 
technologies are said to be toys in fornt of this *new* discovery.

And the masses accept it to be the best just because sources of trust 
say so. who are the sources of trust? Media? Computer Educational Institutes?
And Do they know anything about it? are they printing pre fabricated stories?

When Sun came up with java all of a sudden everybody form computer training
institutes to s/w manufacturers to magazines to Television seem to know that
*how great java is*  and java was the best computing language ever.

Now all of a sudden everybody seems to know how BAD java really is and how
much better C# is.

I can't digest This sudden change, Its not once taht this has happened 
it happens on such a regular basis it seems that somethin or the other
needs to be *HOT*.

X Windows:	Power tools for power losers.
 Pankaj Kaushal <pankaj at>
 Proud to use GNU <> 

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