[Reader-list] [Tech_2_cube] Fwd: [rop at xs4all.nl: ScRiPt KiDdY MaNuAl To HaL2001]

Jeebesh Bagchi jeebesh at sarai.net
Sat Jul 21 13:06:25 IST 2001

>>Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 11:31:41 +0200
>>To: discussion at hippiesfromhell.org
>>Subject: ScRiPt KiDdY MaNuAl To HaL2001
>>I wrote a small text for HAL. It will show up in the programme booklet
>>and on the site. I though some of you might enjoy it.
>>COPS, CRIMES and HAL2001
>>   or
>>ScRiPt KiDdY MaNuAl To HaL2001
>>When you arrive at HAL2001 and look around you, you may feel this is
>>an ideal place to do script-kiddie things. I mean: with 1 GB of
>>bandwidth coming almost all the way to your tent, a simple ping-flood
>>is a mighty weapon. And with all these people around, there's bound to
>>be someone within 10 meters that knows how to get root on that
>>webhosting farm you found this morning.
>>You may have also noticed all these other people around you. Most of
>>them seem to be in some kind of different world. Most noticably,
>>they're not constantly bragging about how many machines they have
>>installed Stacheldraht on. When they talk about computer security you
>>often don't understand, and they keep talking about vague political
>>things a lot of the time. That's us. We are the rest of the hacker
>>community. Weve been here for a while now, so you would probably just
>>refer to most of us as "these old people". That's OK.
>>We feel there are important things going on in the world today. Things
>>worth fighting against. Governments and large corporations are
>>basically taking over and are in the process of building mechanisms of
>>control. That may sound difficult or weird, but think of new laws that
>>allow instantaneous monitoring of anyone. Think of computer databases
>>that know where everyone is in realtime. Think of cameras everywhere.
>>Think of making you pay every time, for everything you watch or listen
>>to. Think of your MP3 collection. Think of prison
>>- Making us all look bad
>>Hey, let's not kid eachother: we weren't all that good when we were
>>kids. But right now, powerful people all over the world would like to
>>paint a picture of HAL2001 as a gathering of dangerous individuals out
>>to destroy. While it may seem cool to have powerful people think of
>>you as dangerous, you're only serving their purpose if you deface
>>websites from here, or perform the mother of all dDOS attacks. You're
>>helping the hardliners that say we are no good. They don't care about
>>the websites you deface. They don't care about the dDOS attacks. Heck,
>>their leadership doesn't even know how to hold a mouse. They care
>>about making us all look like a threat, so they can get the public
>>support needed to lock us all up.
>>- Landing you in trouble
>>But if you don't care about any of the above, here's another reason
>>not to do bad things at HAL: there is almost no place on earth where
>>the odds of getting arrested are stacked against you as bad as at
>>HAL2001. Members of the dutch law enforcement community (yes: cops)
>>are attending in large numbers. And public perception is that they
>>haven't arrested enough people for computer crimes recently. So they
>>are under a lot of pressure to arrest someone. Anyone....
>>Because few people have been convicted here, there is a notion that
>>the cops in The Netherlands do not take this seriously. But defacing a
>>site or doing Denial of Service are serious crimes here, and you may
>>not be going home for quite a while if you're arrested here. Being
>>arrested at HAL makes your case a "big deal", no matter how little may
>>have actually happened. This means they are less likely to let you off
>>with a slap on the wrist.
>>And if HAL is anything like its predecessors, intelligence people from
>>internal security agencies of most industrialised nations are walking
>>around, and will see if anyone from their country is sticking their
>>head out doing naughty things. HAL is an excellent place to become
>>visible, in many different and often interesting ways.
>>- Getting us all disconnected
>>Just like at HIP97, the authorities have pre-signed orders ready and
>>waiting to cut our link to the world if the HAL network becomes a
>>source of too many problems. Yes, you read it right: cut the link.
>>100% packet loss.
>>HAL2001 has some of the worlds best system administrators monitoring
>>our link to see if everything runs smooth. Some of these people
>>already had a deep understanding of computer security issues before
>>you were even born. And *ofcourse* they are monitoring to see if
>>anyone is causing problems, either to our own network operations, or
>>to the outside world.
>>So do us all and yourself a favour, and please don't be stupid. And if
>>you still insist on causing trouble, think of this: if you do manage
>>to get us all diconnected, maybe you should hope the cops get to you
>>- Growing up
>>If you have it in you, now would be an excellent time to grow up. Live
>>a life in the hacker community that goes beyond defacing websites and
>>performing dDoS attacks. The post script-kiddie existence offers many
>>rewards: you might have feeling you've done something useful more
>>often, people won't look at you funny, and you might even get to meet
>>Perhaps even more importantly: we as a community _need_ you to grow
>>up. As we said: Governments and large corporations are taking control
>>of our world at alarming speed. Hackers are more likely to understand
>>what's going on, and to do something about it. Which is one reason why
>>they are being demonized by parties seeking to monitor the whole
>>population's every move. Many privacy enhancing technologies still
>>need to be built, and a whole new generation needs to be made aware
>>that their freedoms are being dismantled. Your help would be greatly

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