[Reader-list] Death toll, Indian Express, Wednesday

Rana Dasgupta rana_dasgupta at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 10:30:50 IST 2001

Death toll in The Indian Express (Delhi Edition),
Wednesday July 25th 2001.

9 electrocuted in Haryana as they made contact with
the ground stepping out of a bus that had hit a live

"At least" 7 policemen killed "in mishap" when a train
collided with their jeep in Assam.

50 pilgrims killed in Punjab when the truck they were
travelling in fell into a canal.

86 people killed so far in floods in Orissa, including
12 deaths from diarrhoea and 4 from snake bites.

7 people killed in Jammu and Kashmir violence
(bringing total since Musharraf left to 103).

3 people killed in Delhi road accidents.

Body of 1 adult male discovered in east Delhi, cause
of death unknown.

Total: 162

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