[Reader-list] Journal of Visual Culture - Call for Papers

geert geert at basis.desk.nl
Mon May 28 05:49:46 IST 2001

thanks. please note how how the so-called visual culture
discourse is strategically positioning itself in difference
with new media, the digital etc. I find that unacceptable.

> It will promote research,
> scholarship, and critical engagement with visual cultures.

it will not reach its goal if it leaves out such an important
part of the contemporary world. the visual today cannot
be understood if it is not brought into a relationship with
the technological changes. otherwise it is just an 
institutional continuation of old disciplines like film,
television, art history etc. 

> * film, media, and television studies * art, design,
> fashion, and architecture history * visual culture * cultural
> studies and
> critical theory * gender studies and queer studies *
> ethnic
> studies and critical race studies * philosophy and
> aesthetics
> * photography, new media, and electronic imaging *
> critical
> sociology * history * geography/urban studies in
> comparative
> literature and romance languages * the history and
> philosophy
> of science, technology, and medicine

please be sceptical about such a list. visual culture
is a kampf begriff, a strategic concept used in
institutinal contexts, in most cases AGAINST the
study, practice and possibilities of new media.
My visits to a variety of art schools and universities
has led me to this (sad) conclusion. In Holland and
Germany the introduction of "visual culture" has been
a desaster, full of silly contradictions (the most 
obvious one of course being the place of non
visual cultures such as sound and music which the
visual culture burocrats of course include (!) in
their definition). there are really better terms
and ways to do interesting stuff.

best, geert

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