[Reader-list] Word frequency

Harwood Harwood at scotoma.org
Tue May 29 07:15:56 IST 2001

As shudda posted I did a analysis of the Sarai List and what I found 
was surprising. You bunch of liberals. When I input a specific word 
like state. It pulls all the sentance's with the word in. Maybe I 
should calculate who is controlling the list by looking at the number 
words input by each of us?

   The law clearly state that the publishers of periodical news on the 
web who are not 'professional' journalists or write on behalf of 
them could be fined for up to 250 dollars and arrested for up to two 
years, and accused of the 'clandestine press' crime.
  But i still think that because of the  complete lack of transparency 
of the indian state, many things are  enforced without the public 
necessarily getting to know about them  and the other matter of the 
fact that there is very little  discussion even when they do.
  But we are aware of censorship by the  state to what it thinks is 
'antinational' and how this is considered  acceptable by so many, 
even otherwise conflicting, factions.
8 million users,    77 percent were from the federal captiral New 
delhi and    the state capitals.
"  But governments are trying hard to change this pattern: not only 
the national government, but several states.
  Andhra Pradesh has received international attention for trying to 
promote Internet penetration, education, and use; other such states 
include Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.
  It praises states for putting government information online, and for 
promoting material in local languages.
   While the article repeatedly stresses that enormous barriers remain 
and government efforts have shown little impact, it ends on an upbeat 
paragraph: "by empowering constituent groups that make up India's 
civil society: the media, nongovernment organizations, businesses, 
political groups, and other nonstate actors," the Internet can 
"invigorate the world's largest democracy.
  No  saint, statesman or scholar has ever done this for them, and 
certainly no merchant.
  When it was over, and the tribe was in  a state of excitement at the 
event which they had witnessed, the  master said: 'Does anyone wish 
to speak'  The first disciple said: 'In the cause of Truth I feel 
myself  constrained to say something to these people.
    All programmers need to be licensed with the state.
  Then, in my dazed state, the torment and anger of theP P 
class=MsoNormalSPAN style="msospacerun: yes" SPANpast eleven years 
passed through my agitated mind.
  It is the realisation of our own past historyP P class=MsoNormalSPAN 
style="msospacerun: yes" SPANas a nation state, the realisation of, 
if you will, the socalledP P class=MsoNormalSPAN style="msospacerun: 
yes" SPANpostcolonial experience so wonderfully described for us by, 
forP P class=MsoNormalSPAN style="msospacerun: yes" SPANinstance, 
Abdul Razzak Gurnah, the writer from Zanzibar, in hisP P 
class=MsoNormalSPAN style="msospacerun: yes" SPAN"Admiring Silence".
  I think the interesting thing that Rana is pointing out is  that the 
real issue that bothers power corporate or state is the  formation of 
ungovernable communities itself and the proliferation of  horizontal 
as opposed to vertical communities.
  The state and coproate interests can police  the interent in the way 
that they do, because the methodology of control  that they deploy 
has already been tried and tested on the streets.
  answers are in the sequence they reached my desktop!  cheers Monica 
======================  I guess I'm zeroing in on Steve Jobs's recent 
statement that the  digital divide is "just a new sticker we use to 
cover up a more  important word: poverty.
  This is  the kind of access that state and corporate will love here, 
and will  engender technologies and practices that suit this end.
  Actually, the Net is being looked primarily as a `broadcast  medium` 
for state and corporate a la newspaper, radio and  television rather 
than what it is.
   * Are there any government or even private initiatives to get 
Indians online  Jeebesh  Actually it was the state that got online 
first, and then  released access.
com Status:     What is interesting about the article Ravi sent  as 
with most accounts of this issue  is that the statement of the 
problem 'hacking, credit card misuse, death threats, pornography, 
morphing and terrorism' .
   Even those advancing these counterthreats seem unable to state the 
threats in a convincing way.
Both ends seem to reflect a state apparatus gone  insane.
Clause 80 of the same Act empowers police or state  officers or  to 
enter and search a Public Space read Cybercafes in  pursuit of cyber 
criminals or would be cyber criminals.
  The language of the  state in this regard is chilling , and I quote 
from the 13th Chapter  Miscellaneous of the IT Act 2000  "Section 80.
htm  Now the Guideline After this we have already witnessed the 
promulgation of the Guidelines and  General Information for the 
Setting Up of Submarine Cable Landings for  International Gateways 
for the Internet issued by the Ministry of  Communications, 
Government of India which makes provision for the  interception of 
all and any messages and routine surveillance of data and 
regulations on encryption and limitations to privacy  all in the name 
of  the national interest, public order, morality and the security of 
the state.
  Examining the  ways in which the various media have been dealt with 
state in India from  the end of the nineteenth century onwards.
  The IT Act enables prosecution, but only AFTER the  offending 
website has been published and found by the cyberinformers who  work 
for the Indian state zealous and stupid journalists who act as 
guardians of public morality and state security, zealous and stupid 
cyberwarriors  the growing army of 'counterhackers', dying to be on 
the  payroll of the vigilant state, and some zealous and stupid so 
called  feminist organisations that are more keen on censorship than 
they are in  any form of human liberation.
  The new italian cyberlaws require any person  uploading content on 
to the web to register with the state as a journalist.
   And further, note also that it empowers the state to intercept any 
message  that may be transmitted on any network anywhere, and that in 
times of war  of national emergency the state may take over any 
communication network or  content application provider anywhere.
  All that is required is for the state to mandate that you can only 
use a machine which has a certain kind of chip built in, or  added to 
And the  state will be looking out for our cybershadows.
  a couple of  weeks now, sightings of a strange creature, who some 
say is a primate,some  describe as humanoid, masked, hemeted or 
furry, not very big, five feet or  so with flashing red and green 
eyes,and extraordinary powers of movement  the abilitiy to jump 
between buildings and fly has been menacing eastern  Delhi and 
adjoining the adjoining industrial areas of  Uttar Pradesh  state.
  state agencies that need and want to know our online habits  I am 
appending below the concluding parts of Gibson's findings so that 
those of us who do not have the time or the facility for actually 
going to  the site can get some idea of what he is saying  But what 
strikes me after all this is that   Given, that in India, proposals 
for actually having physical identification  cards for cybercafe 
usage refer: Ravi Sundaram's earlier posting 'the New 
Authoritarianism"  are being put into practice, I would not be 
surprised  if a large scale violation of online privacy is also 
actually taking place.
  As I have repeatedly stated, I have no evidence, information, or 
knowledge either way.
  contrary to what seems to be stated in their various  license agreements.
   Therefore, it is difficult to understand the motivation behind 
collecting  personal data which is, on its face, unnecessary for the 
stated objective.
   One Final Observation: The stated purpose behind all of this 
download profiling in their  respective licenses is to inform these 
vendors about the files we are all  collectively downloading so that 
they can provide some sort of  additional, useful, or auxiliary 
information to us this is never really  made clear.
   After a day spent in intense philosophical speculations he falls 
asleep in an agitated state  three dreams later and his vision 
produces  Cartesian Coordinates and within them one of the multiple 
Origins of maps.
"   Matsuko; "let's plot emotional states onto the position of things.
     italic  MapDirectory ={Nine images at 640x480= 2764800 pixels} + 
ImageDirectory ={Ten images at 320x240 pixels = 768000 pixels} + 
VideoDirectory ={ Five Videos 320x240 pixels at static state = 384000 
pixels} + TextDirectory = {Five texts of 100 words 12 pixels height 
with 2 pixels between each line = 259200} + SoundDirectory = 
{revealed within other content types}   Total content = 4176000 = 
VideoDirectory + TextDirectory + MapDirectory + SoundDirectory + 
ImageDirectory   Interface for user :  MapAndLinks = {BorderArea  = 
20160+ LinkLines1920}  ContentActionSignifiers = { NineContentTypes = 
1204}  BordersImages = {11200}  BordersVideo = {5600}  BordersText = 
{5020}  FileTextEditMode = {12000}   Total interface  = 45104 = 
MapAndLinks + ContentActionSignifiers + BordersImages + BordersVideo 
+ BordersText + FileTextEditMode   100  Total content pixels * Total 
interface pixels =  1.
   I am sure that the kind of correlations that link reading 
Shakespeare, listening to lounge music and watching the Matrix could 
also be established between such interests and for instance terrorist 
behaviour, and that the state could use them to trawl for people who 
might succumb to such behaviour in the future.

Harwood at scotoma.org

Tel  +31 (0) 20 365 9334







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