[Reader-list] utlook article

zamrooda zamrooda at sarai.net
Wed Aug 14 15:13:11 IST 2002

Aruna Roy's Article in Outlook
Sorry if it is cross posted....................

Dear Friends,

This is just to inform you about an article that has come out in the
 Independence day issue of  Outlook and my clarification.

This is apropos my article “Activism” (Outlook August 19th ), which  gives
 the misleading impression that I have, “narrowed my choice down to one great
 from my field” – Jayaprakash Narayan. It was significant that Outlook agreed
 to accept the inclusion of  a  perspective acknowledging collective effort,
 in a series that   singled out individuals.

However the layout, with the photograph of JP, and the caption:
 “Activism-Jayaprakash Narayan”, has served to confuse my real “choice”-the
 collective effort of many movements in fostering egalitarian,
 socio-political processes.  This is unfair not just to the principle
 expressed in the text, but to JP himself, who is mentioned in the context of
 the Sampurna Kranti movement’s own commitment to these principles.

The question, “name one person who has contributed most to 

.?” is 
 difficult to answer. We cannot determine a hierarchy of the exceptional in
 any field of human endeavour, but it is more so of social movements. Who can
 judge which struggle contributed most to the growth of an egalitarian, just
 society in independent India?

However, the mainstream in India and the world, is pre-occupied with the
 establishment of individual excellence as crucial to all development and
 growth. It is therefore, necessary, that even while attempting to make a
 list , which is indicative and not exclusive, we must emphatically state the
 importance of collective action.

The legacy of the Gandhian tradition of merging politics, development with
 social change, has influenced some of the movements that have had greater
 impact. JP’s (Jayaprakash Narayan)   political work began in this tradition.
 From this genesis arose the call for “Sampurna Kranti” (total revolution).
 The JP movement ,as it is popularly known, was born in the 70s, one of the
 most critical periods in post independent India. Focussing on the ills of
 arbitrary, undemocratic governance, the movement attempted to bring politics
 back to the social domain. Most significantly the movement established the
 strength and effectiveness of alternative ethical politics and the continual
 struggle for civil liberties.

It was in this context that the PUCLDR ( now PUCL and PUDR) was created in
 1976 as a  people’s expression and determination to strengthen civil
 liberties and human, democratic rights. The vital need for Human Rights
 movements for the survival of a secular, democratic India has once again
 been reinforced by the arbitrary use of power by the State in the past
 decade; recent occurrences in  Gujarat being a case in point.

The Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad (KSSP) has over decades taken scientific
 thinking to the people, to make it a way of life. Having innovated a new
 approach to literacy, they have facilitated the creation and
 institutionalisation of the popularly known Peoples Plan (Programme for
 Participatory and Sustainable Panchayat level Development Planning) in
 Kerala. It combined important components for empowerment- development, grass
 root politics and social change.

The Chathisgarh Mukti Morcha (CMM), began as a Trade Union amongst the
 exploited, un-organised mine workers of Chathisgarh but went beyond the
 confines of traditional structures - trade unions and ideologies.  Having
 successfully raised the issue of wages, they supported an anti –liquor
 movement, and evolved  development economic, socio-political alternatives
 for the exploited. Even after the tragic assassination of Shankar Guha
 Neogi, the CMM remains a formidable organisation. Proving conclusively that
 true collective movements continue after the death of their leader.

The Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) symbolises struggles of people for their
 right to determine their own development, life and livelihood. Like all
 significant movements, it has raised larger issues and questions. The people
 of the Narmada valley have compelled citizens to notice contradictions in
 policy, planning and intent of so called development projects. These
 uncomfortable questions have forced decision makers and governments to
 respond. The NBA has increasingly perceived the importance of building an
 alternative politics.  The need for bigger collectives has resulted in the
 formation of the National Alliance of Peoples Movements ( NAPM) .

Aruna Roy

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS)
Village: Devdungri, Post: Barar,
District Rajsamand
Rajasthan, Pin Code-313341
Tel:91-2951-43254, 91-2951-50655,(messages)
Fax:91-1463-88206 (attn:aruna roy)

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