[Reader-list] The Worst is Always Precise

Shuddhabrata Sengupta shuddha at sarai.net
Thu Dec 19 14:15:48 IST 2002

Dear Friends,

A few clarifications and corrections, subsequent to the posting titled "The 
Worst is Always Precise" that  I made earlier today, on the death sentence 
awarded yesterday to SAR Gilani.

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the invaluable research assistance given 
to me in the writing of this text by my colleague, Parvati Sharma.

Further, there is a small but significant ommission in the text that I posted 
that i would like to correct. 

I had said,  - "...it is well known that confessions in police custody 
(generally, aided and abetted by coercion) are generally not admissible as 
evidence in a court of law. "

this fragment should read as follows - 

"it is well known that confessions in police custody (generally, aided and 
abetted by coercion) are generally not admissible as evidence in a court of 
law. (This is of course not true for anything that falls under POTA, but 
then, that is precisely one of the  juridical innovations that makes POTA the 
lethal instrument that it is)."

Finally, for those who might be interested in going back to earlier 
discussions of the events of December 13 on this list, I would like to refer 
them to urls for three postings made by me in December 2001, and they are - 

The Eyes of Dr. Mabuse in Delhi

9/11 versus 12/13,

Attack on Indian Parliament 



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