[Reader-list] Mr. Thomas: Re: 9-11 Pentagon attack May I share these conclusions with you?

Dick Eastman eastman at bentonrea.com
Sun Dec 29 01:44:56 IST 2002

Here is why I am certain that Flight 77 was not the plane that hit the Pentagon
by Dick Eastman


In March of 2002 the French came out claiming that the hole in the Pentagon wall was too small for a Boeing 757  to have  fit through.

Shortly afterwards the Pentagon issued five frames of the Pentagon security camera video to prove a plane was involved in the attack.

And shortly after (still early March)  David Bosanko enlarged the security camera video and ran the frames in "animated" sequence  -- a better view that convinced many people (me included) that the plane shown was much too short to be Flight 77 Boeing  -- if it were a Boeing 757 its shiny aluminum fuselage, trimmed with red and blue, would be extending far beyond the yellow driveway pillar etc.

In addition to this there were many unusual events that raised the suspicion of some-- the breakdown of air defenses, the failure of intelligence, indications that this crisis and the war on terror were anticipated by the military and the state department. etc.

Here are my conclusions:

1.  Attack plane in the video is  too short given the size of the image of the tail fin visible above the pillar.

2. The missile plume in the video matches that of air-to-ground missile.

3.  The explosion shown in frame #1  is consistent with missile warhead, not with an airliner crash.

4. Witnesses who saw only one plane fall into two distinct groups, each seeing a different
     plane, on a different path, at different altitude, with different sound, at different speeds.

5. A third  set of witnesses saw two planes approach the Pentagon and one of these veer away.

6. The famous piece of "evidence" found on the lawn is from the starboard side, not the port side 
      -- but it was found on the south side of the lawn 200 feet from the crash ON THE PORT 
     SIDE OF THE ATTACK PLANE AS IT APPROACHED, and the aerodynamics of this light
     bent and torn sheet of aluminum would make it impossible for it to have flown this distance

7.  Only one engine broke through the C-ring;  only one engine was
      photographed.  The one engine is on a line from the downed lamp
       posts to the entry hole to the last exit hole  -- indicating a single
       engine jet.

8.   All evidence provided by a persistent band of debunkers is portable
     and appears in photos taken by FEMA days after the event.

9.  Mike Rivero's "conclusive" debris evidence, turns out to be from
      the Pentagon offices, not from an aircraft. (as a closeup reveals
      very "uncrashed" and un-airplane debris.

10.  Joe Viall's BBC picture of "Flight 77 diving into the Pentagon"
      has too short a fuselage in front of the wings and wings that 
      are too swept back  to have been a 757.

11.  Many heard a jet.  Others heard a missile.  (All military men.)
     Those near Flight 77 as it came over the cemetery, saw it and
       heard it pass silently (no engine); whereas those near the killer
       jet which came by the freeway and knocked down the lamp posts
       heard its loud scream as it put on speed to reach the wall
       as the airliner flew over it.

12.  Star witness Riskus saw the Boeing, but was tricked when
      the killer jet, flying low with background visual noise -- hit the
       building.  The Boeing was instantly lost behind the explosion
       and smoke.

13.  Reagan National Airport is only one mile away in the direction
      Flight 77 was going when it flew over the crashing killer jet.
      After passing over the crashing killer jet -- FLight 77 was able
      to blend into normal Reagan National air traffic almost immediately
      (i.e. before the sound of the explosion could reach the White House
       or Capitol Building).

14.  There were foreigners at both Dulles (where Flight 77 took off)
      and Reagan National (where Flight 77 landed after the crash)
       who each had an illegally gotten top security badge that enabled
        them to gain access anywhere in those airports -- tower, security,
        baggage, hangers, surveillence, loading docks, boarding, etc.
        They were deported by Ashcroft a few months after the crash.
        (Since they were not held it is reasonable to assume that they
        were British subjects or Isreali  citizens.  A British firm was
        subcontracting many services at the airport at the time.


                 EAST ABOVE
 NW          WEST BELOW          SW

-------------X---C-ring engine exit--------------------------------  (Pentagon West Walls inside rings)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------   wall
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wall
------------------------------------X--crash entry-----------------  Pentagon West Wall (exteriror)
        [      ]

        tree                                             x
                                                                              x   x  downed lamp posts
X  Riskus             x  point 100 feet from Riskus               x x
southwest of crash                                     northwest of crash
                      x  Arlington Cemetary Gardener

                                     t                                                     \

                  FLIGHT 77  PAST OVER HERE                       KILLER JET CAME FROM HERE 


1. Locating Riskus, lamp posts, and the Pentagon on the Big Map

 To locate both the lamp posts and the approximate location where Riskus snapped his first Pentagon photo, see the following very detailed aerial map of the entire crime sceen. This enlarged aerial map is an essential tool in verifying all of the features of this unifying account of the Pentagon attack.


Riskus, southwest of the accident  -- about where that lone white truck is on the rightmost lane -- he was three or four plane lengths from the crash  -- and maybe seven plane lengths from the clover-leaf where the killer jet knocked down the polls.  Whatever reasonable margin of error one gives to these estimates of mine -- there is no feisable path by which the killer jet could have hit those lamp posts, flown to within 100 feet of Riskus and then returned to the northwest to be able to enter at the crash point at an angle that would enable it to rendevous with the exit hole in the C-ring.  No jet could do it, and especially no Boeing 757 airliner could do it.  (One investigator, Sarah Roberts, made a heroic attempt to both have Flight 77 over Alrington Cemetary and then fly to those lamp posts and then to the crash point  -- but this feat required the low flying aircraft to have turned 10 degrees just while it was over the cloverleaf interchange -- an impossibility that Roberts later acknowledged and retracted.)


Witnesses who claim to have seen only one plane break into two groups.  Those who describe 

1) an airliner, shiny, red and blue markings, with two engines, in a dive, and flying "low" in terms of one or two hundred feet, and silent (engines idle);  and 

2) a plane that came in at tree-top level, at "20 feet" all the way, hitting lamp posts in perfect low level flight that must have been established and stabilized well before the lamp posts were reached; engines roaring; pouring on speed; smaller than a mid-sized airliner.

Here are some who saw only Flight 77:

Anon: ... the large silver cylinder of an aircraft appeared in my window, coming over my right shoulder as I faced the Westside of the Pentagon directly towards the heliport. The aircraft, looking to be either a 757 or Airbus, seemed to come directly over the annex, as if it had been following Columbia Pike - an Arlington road leading to Pentagon. The aircraft was moving fast, at what I could only be estimate as between 250 to 300 knots. All in all, I probably only had the aircraft in my field of view for approximately 3 seconds. The aircraft was at a sharp downward angle of attack, on a direct course for the Pentagon. It was "clean", in as much as, there were no flaps applied and no apparent landing gear deployed. He was slightly left wing down as he appeared in my line of sight, as if he'd just "jinked" to avoid something. As he crossed Route 110 he appeared to level his wings, making a slight right wing slow adjustment...

Comment:  The Annex is on the side of the hill shared with Arlington Cemetery.  The sharp downward angle and the positive identification of a 757 establish that this witness was looking at Flight 77.

Timmerman: ...being next to National Airport, I hear jets all the time, but this jet engine was way too loud. I looked out to the southwest, and it came right down 395, right over Colombia Pike, and as it went by the Sheraton Hotel, the pilot added power to the engines. I heard it pull up a little bit more, and then I lost it behind a building.     And then it came out, and I saw it hit right in front of -- it didn't appear to crash into the building ... 

Comment:  This witness was north of the crash.  He heard a jet louder than the normal air traffic at nearby Reagan National (which includes routine Boeing 757 landings.)  When he looked out his window, however, he saw Flight 77 to the southwest, and most significantly, he actually states that the plane he was watching "didn't appear to crash into the building"!!!!

Here is a CNN reporter questioning another witness:  

CNN: You got a close-up look at the damage, didn't you? 

Wit: Yes, I was right next to the building.

CNN: And what did you see? 

Wit:  I saw a big, gaping hole and I could see pieces of the plane inside. 

CNN: Earlier, an eye-witness told us the plane didn't crash into the building. 

Wit:  Well, I don't know what it looked like from where he was, but I looked right inside the hole and I know it crashed into the building. 

Comment: The man being interviewed by CNN above was also a CNN reporter. No one else reports having seen in the hole pieces of aircraft, and of course the absence of debris commensurate with a mid-sized airliner crash is a topic that continues to be much discussed.  Yet here again we have mention of a man who says the plane he observed did not hit the Pentagon.

O’Keefe:  saw or heard it first -- this silver plane; I immediately recognized it as an American Airlines jet It came swooping in over the highway, over my left shoulder, straight across where my car was heading.

Comment:  In a car it is hard to tell the direction of the sound of a jet.  The jet must have been loud to be heard in his car.  He heard the loud killer jet, but saw the Boeing "swooping,"  i.e., leveling out from a dive. He does not say whether he was in view of the actual crash event.

Sucherman:   It was highly unusual. The large plane was 20 feet off the ground and a mere 50 to 75 yards from his windshield. Two seconds later and before he could see if the landing gear was down or any of the horror- struck faces inside, the plane slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon 100 yards away.
    "My first thought was he's not going to make it across the river to National Airport. But whoever was flying the plane made no attempt to change direction. It was coming in at a high rate of speed, but not at a steep angle--almost like a heat-seeking missile was locked onto its target and staying dead on course."

Comment:  Here is the classic killer jet observation.  No mention of a dive, in fact he goes out of his way to say it was not coming in a steep angle.  The killer jet was coming fast, unlike the coasting 757.

Anon2:  "I did not see the engines, I saw the body and the tail; it was a silver jet with the markings along the windows that spoke to me as an American Airlines jet, it was not a commercial, excuse me, a business jet, it was not a lear jet, it was a bigger plane than that.".

Comment:   Obviously this witness falls between the two categories.  Not seeing engines would put the plane in the killer jet category.  But a larger than Lear jet size is indicated as well as American Airlines markings.  Taking it literally, he saw Flight 77 but just did not pay attention to the engines.  (Alternatively, the killer jet was bigger than an F-16 and outfitted in  American Airlines "drag.")

Campo:  It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane. I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head.

Comment: This is the Arlington National Cemetary gardener.  Like Riskus, his testimony puts the real Flight 77 over the cemetary, from where it would have been impossible for any plane to have rendezvoused with the five lamp posts northeast of the cemetery and then bent its path around sufficiently to reach the crash point at the proper angle to also exit the c-ring hole.

Vaughn: There wasn't anything in the air, except for one airplane, and it looked like it was loitering over Georgetown, in a high, left-hand bank. That may have been the plane. I have never seen one on that pattern. 

Comment: General Vaugh was not alone in what he saw.  Many other witnesses saw Flight 77 putting on an attention- getting exhibition over D.C. as if to draw all eyes to itself and away from the true appraoching killer.

Liebner:  I saw this large American Airlines passenger jet coming in fast and low. 
My first thought was I've never seen one that high. Before it hit I realised what was happening.

Comment:  Captain Liebner does not tell us what he means by "low."  Was it 100 feet or 20 feet?  But the term "coming in" indicates a descent.

Here are more witness accounts:

Kelly Knowles from an Arlington apartment two miles away saw a two planes moving toward the Pentagon, one veering away as the other crashed.

Tom Seibert,  in the Pentagon, listened to " what sounded like a missile" followed by a "loud boom."

Keith Wheelhouse and his sister, Pam Young were preparing to leave a funeral at Arlington Naitonal Cemetary when they watched "the jet" approach and hit the Pentagon.  Both saw another plane flying near the jet that crashed.  When  asked if the other plane could have been an airliner performing a normal landing at Reagan National Airport, Wheelhouse stated that he was not confused by normal airport traffic.

Alfred S. Regnery, on the freeway with the Pentagon not yet in view, heard a jetliner "not more than 200 yards above the ground" passed overhead, disappearing "behind black cloud of smoke" was pouring from a "gaping hole."

Comment: Another witness hearing the loud sound  and seeing the jet liner and assuming that sound source and object sited are one and the same.  But note that he saw an airliner and that it was 200 yards above the ground, not 20 feet.

Terry Scanlon interviewed a Hampton Roads woman who saw a plane following the jet that hit the Pentagon.

Christine Peterson, in her car in front of the heliport ( near Riskus) saw the airliner.  As it flew over she could read numbers on its wing.  "My mind could not comprehend what happened.  Where did the plane go? ... But there was no plane visible, only huge billows of smoke and torrents of fire." 

Comment:  It would certainly be jumping to conclusions to say that this witness saw that plane crash.  Watching the Boeing she missed entirely the killer jet that came from another direction.

James S. Robbins,  from his west-facing office window, one and a half miles east of the
Pentagon, saw "the 757" as it was "diving in at an unrecoverable angle."  "I did not immediately comprehend what I was witnessing. There was a silvery flash, an explosion, and a dark, mushroom shaped cloud rose over the building."

Comment: The plane was diving.  But it must have recovered from the dive at the last second, because the pentagon was not hit by a plane at a downward angle.  The killer jet travelled from the entrance hole to the C-ring exit hole without breaking above the floor of the third floor!!!  Robbins saw the Boeing that did not crash and the explosion and smoke made by the killer plane that did.

Christopher Munsey headed South on the Interstate saw "a silver, twin-engine American Airlines jetliner gliding almost noiselessly over the Navy Annex, fast, low and  straight toward the Pentagon, just hundreds of yards away."  Munsey saw the red and blue markings "as it appeared to hit the side of the Pentagon." 

Comment: A silver twin-engined plane had to have been Flight 77, seen "over the Annex", i.e., over Arlington Cemetary hill, it had American Airlines markings and it was "noiseless,"  but notice the indefinitness: "it appeared to hit the side of the Pentagon" -- there are usually psychologically definite reason why people qualify their speech, in this case, perhaps, pshycological reservations about what he really did see.

Fred Gaskins was driving near the Pentagon as he saw the plane pass about 150 feet overhead. "It was flying very smoothly and calmly, without any hint that anything was wrong."

Comment: Near the Pentagon, but still 150 feet in the air.  How could it hit those poles?  How could it come in for its below-the-third-floor crash through three rings of the Pentagon?

Certainly this sample of witness testimony is more supportive of the two-plane thesis than the single Boeing thesis of the "official explanation."

But if the witnesses testimony is inconclusive the actual video recording of the attack is not.  The killer jet was not a Boeing and it did not dive.  But that is not all.

II.  The Security Camera Proofs:

For an enlargement of this photo go to:
Security Camera Video Frame 1: The Killer Jet 


1) the size of tail fin image in frame #1 requires that for the plane to be a Boeing 757, the front end of its shiny silver fuselage would have to be visible in the broad sunlight extending out to the left of the stone driveway pillar in the picture.


  a) The 757 is over seven times the  length of its own tail fin, i.e., it would take  seven and a quarter tail fins to cover the back  of a Boeing 757, Stegasaurus style,
adding fins  from the tail fin  in the rear  forward to the nose, however  the width of the image of the driveway pillar that conceals the entire fuselage of the attacking plane is only five  times as wide as the tail fin that appears sticking up above and behind it, so that regardless of angle of approach to the Pentagon wall or of  distance of the aircraft from the camera, the plane  simply cannot be aircraft of the length and form  of a Boeing 757; 

  b) A  757 is 155 feet long and the Pentagon is only 71 feet high, but by direct inspection,   if you stood the aircraft behind the pillar on end against the wall, say
half way to the far end of the wall from the impact point, it would reach   no more than 70 percent of the wall's height,  the   method is rough, but the margin of error in
your   estimate can be nowhere near the 218 percent difference that would be needed to turn that   attack jet into Flight 77.

2)  The presence of the unmistakable white horizonal missile plume being launched by the plane to weaken the thick outer wall at the targeted point of impact

so that the killer jet can easily invade the Pentagon interior without give-away fighter jet parts bouncing back on the grass and giving away the frameup; 

3)  In frame # 2 Frame 2  - Impact  the tell-tale white-hot intitial explosion of the missile warhead is definitely neither a jet fuel kerosene fire, nor the result of aluminum, plastic and flesh crashing into brick, concrete and glass;

4) The blossom of white-hot explosion of the missile warhead spreads laterally, more so than the subsequent jet fuel flames that in frame #3 come from inside the
Pentagon, suggesting that the warhead was designed to trigger at the split second of impact rather than after entry through the wall.
a.. Frame 3 - - Blast 
a.. Frame 4 - - Blast 
a.. Frame 5 - - Blast 


Actually such evidence is pitifully scant and suspiciously portable -- and some of it has been established as false planted evidence.  The single piece of debris from a Boeing 757 that has been identified on the Pentagon lawn has been identified as a uniquely starboard piece, whereas it was found hundreds of feet away on the PORT side -- like finding a car's passenger-side door dozens of feet away on the driver's side following a head-on collision. THe peace is light and far from aerodynamic and would have had to push its way against the inward rush of wind as heat lifted the air around the crash, even if a ten mph wind was not blowing from the southwest against its progress. The first photographer to capture this specimen did not arrive at the scene until 10 minutes after the crash.  An early picture shows an agent in white shirt carrying a piece of "debris" that looks very much like the "planted" piece of false
evidence  --  but he could be one of many preliminary cleanup workers among whom the real evidence planter was blending in.  

We also have a hole that is too small to accomodate a Boeing 757, but a perfect fit for an F-16.



Here is the  "Reagan National Airport Explanation" of the Dissappearing Act of Flight 77:

With its engines off so that its silence was remarked by Riskus and other witnesses, Flight 77 approached the Pentagon's west wall  at an angle much closer to 90 degrees than the 45-degree approach of the killer jet. That is, it came from the west rather than the northwest.  And it never got lower than 100 feet while over the Pentagon.  (The Pentagon is 71 feet high.)

At a speed between a third and two-thirds that of sound and leveling from its necessarily accelerating dive, Flight 77 was over Reagan National Airport before the  sound of the killer jet's crash reached the Capitol Building or Washington  Monument -- --since the airport begins only one mile from the crash.  Disappearing from the sight of turnpike observers, behind the explosion, and blending in with routine airport traffic was accomplished in less than 7 seconds  -- the plane was closer to the airport than to the Pentagon in less than 3.5 seconds.

Here is a view of Reagan Naitonal as it would look from Flight 77 after passing over the crash-in-progress, perhaps three or four hundred feet below.  Surrounding the airport on this side  are parks, parking lots filled with empty cars of at-work Pentagon employees, and two air bases.  There would be few people to see Flight 77 come through, and those who did would doubtless assume that it was yet another routine flight over Reagan Naitonal. And even if they didn't, who would believe them when the world "knows otherwise."

Now go to the following url for an enlargement of the picture below.   The Pentagon is visible at the extreme right edge  in the middle of the upper half of the picture.  
 http://www.airliners.net/open.file/075484/M/   Any of the three runways of Reagan could have been used by Flight 77, which, by the way, did not have to land immediately for a successful getaway -- it could have disguised itself as a plane taking off as well as one landing  in those critical  few  seconds of its disappearing act and its "blending in" operation.


The killer jet, flying level about twenty feet above the ground, hit the Pentagon west wall (in shadow on the left of the picture on the left, above) )from the northwest  as Flight 77 coming from the west over Arlington National Cemetary and the heads of gardener and burial parties, flew over the crash (from let to right in the picture on the right) and directly into the routine air space of Reagan Naitonal -- exactly one mile away.

It is a fact reported in the major media, that for a period that included September 11, 2001 there were 87 foreigners working at Dulles Airport (where Flight 77 originated) and Reagan National (where I am saying it landed), each with an illegal and improperly authorized top airport security badge that gave them access and authority throughtout both airports, including ticketing, security, boarding, control tower, boarding, hangers, loading and transportation.  A few months after the attacks there workers were "found out" and ordered deported to their countries of origin  (Great Britain?, Israel?  -- but presumably not Afganistan or Iraq or Saudi Arabia, one would think.)


Here is a profile of the remote-controlled killer jet, made from known existing special features that have actually been built into various "non-standard" General Dynamics F-16 aircraft.


Span: 32 ft. 10 in. 
Length: 49 ft. 6 in. 
Height: 16 ft. 6 in. 
Weight: 29,896 lbs. loaded 
Armament: One air-to-ground missile and electronic countermeasure pods
Ground Control:  : Structural provisions and "power by wire" systems architecture expanding multirole performance to include precision strike, night attack and beyond-visual-range interception missions utilizing touch-sensitive remote virtualcockpit displays.  
Targeting: Remote  targeting lasers and computers, and new autopilot and ground-avoidance systems allowing faster remote controlled flight  while seeking and attacking targets. 
Maneuvering:  digital flight controls, a voice-activated maneuvering system allowing the pilot to "point" the aircraft in unusual flight attitudes.
Engine: One Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 of 23,830 lbs. thrust.
Crew: None 
Maximum speed: 1,345 mph.
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 37,500 pounds (16,875 kilograms)
Cruising speed: 577 mph. 
Range: 1,407 miles 

We see that the killer jet did not hit the ground before striking the 
building  -- the white missile plume smoke in the first frame,
the level trail of smoke still visible in the second frame all are
at an even level above the ground.  (Notice too the insert of
an air-to-ground missile being fired by the F-16 in the tiny picture
I have added below.  It is the same plume of smoke.


Scroll up to the animation of the Pentagon frames and look at the 
 smoke plume in frame one -- clearly it is above the ground, between 5
and 10 feet.   The witnesses who saw this smoke  interpreted it as smoke
from a crash on the lawn -- but since the plane then entered the building,
then there must have been a bounce too!!!

But no one who watched the Boeing reported a bounce.  In all that long list
of witnesses, not one remarked on a bounce  -- not even Timmerman,
if you re-read him.

Timmerman: ...being next to National Airport, I hear jets all the time, but this jet engine was way too loud. I looked out to the southwest, and it came right down 395, right over Colombia Pike, and as it went by the Sheraton Hotel, the pilot added power to the engines. I heard it pull up a little bit more, and then I lost it behind a building.     And then it came out, and I saw it hit right in front of -- it didn't appear to crash into the building ... 

But those who were nearest the Boeing said it was silent (e.g. Riskus)!!!  The Boeing was coasting in silently -- to be sufficiently slow when it reached the airport.  BUT THE F-16 "KILLER JET" WAS THE INTELLIGENT AIRCRAFT, THE AIRCRAFT THAT ADJUSTED ITS SPEED TO MAKE THE OPERATION COME OFF, TO MAKE SURE THAT THE MISSILE EXPLOSION AND CRASH

Finally, on the matter of whether or not there was a "gouge".  There definitely was not, as you can see.  Any gouges that may have been photographed later were probably made by the wheels of fire trucks in the wet lawn.  (ANd of course the French are suggesting that the sand was put down to cover the "gougeless" lawn.

Now go to this site and see lots of clean lawn pictures:

Here is the actual hole made by the killer jet. The windows above indicate a width
of no more than 10 feet.  Enough for the F-16 to fit through, minus its thin wings,
which carry no engines or fuel and which would do only negligible damage to the
wall they hit.   A Catholic priest who saw "a plane" and then an explosion afterwards
reported   reported that it appeared that all of the fire was coming out of just "two

More photos of crime scene can be found at this site:

This analysis is dedicated to my friend Dave Bosankoe who gave us all the clue,
and to my utterly neglected family, four more victims of September 11.

CONCLUSION: All evidence and witness testimony presented in this paper are consistent with the thesis that a small killer plane, the F-16 is the most likely candidate, actually crashed into the Pentagon, while Flight 77, which also descended toward the target spot, in fact flew over the building, concealed immediately from most witnesses by fire and smoke rising to the rear and by the "blend-in" environment of Reagan National whose runway 16 it could reach in just 6 seconds from the onset of the crash explosion.

Dick Eastman
223 S. 64th Ave.
Yakima, Washington 98908

(509) 965-4893
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