[Reader-list] On Being a Baby Magnet

Yazad Jal prajaf at vsnl.com
Mon Jun 24 15:00:09 IST 2002

On Being a Baby Magnet
by Bob Wallace

For about ten years I've been a Baby Magnet. It took a while to figure out why. It's because these babies don't have fathers around them.

I can walk through a door, and a baby in a stroller will point at me and exclaim, "That's a man!" I point back and say, "That's a baby!" I glance at the mother's hand. No ring. I can stand in a bookstore, and look down to find a baby holding my hand. "Sorry," says the mom, who also has no ring. "Forget it," I answer. "It's my lot in life."

Once, at my sister's house, I had to sit on the floor near the door because the living room was full of teenage girls. A little boy, who could walk but not talk, spied me from across the room, made a bee-line for me, and threw his arm around my neck. (He had a snotty nose. When I told him to get some toilet paper - which he understood - he grabbed a handful and brought it to me in the living room without detaching it from the roll in the bathroom.) I later asked my sister if he had a father. "No," she told me, "he doesn't."

This is never-ending for me. Kids wave at me on the streets, try to hold my hand, and want me to watch them while they show off jumping rope or singing or dancing. When I got out of my car Friday night, the little girl next door was waiting for me. "Do you want to see me do my cheer?" she asked. So she did it, while I smiled and applauded. She has no father. None of these kids do. Since they don't, they want male attention.

Why they choose me I don't know. It must be the way I look, even though I certainly don't understand what That Look is. When I look in the mirror what I see is a rubbery, goofy/friendly face that looks much like Ralphie in A Christmas Story. Maybe, today, Spongebob Squarepants.

Since the '60's, feminists have claimed fathers aren't really necessary. What's unnecessary are these kinds of socialist feminists, most of whom are feminists because they're aren't very feminine. Crewcuts and tattoos doth not a true feminist make. They barely make a woman, and the kind they make I'm not interested in. Maybe Janet "Yikes! A Monster!" Reno might be, but certainly not me.

The history of the world has shown that fathers are necessary. The word "bastard," for example, means "a fatherless boy" and "a cruel, heartless man." The first often turns into the second, no matter how much the blind pretend it doesn't. What we have in society currently are the blind leading the blind. Oops! There's the ditch!

I once found a little fatherless boy torturing a cat. I yelled at him and took the cat away. It was wheezing blood through its nose. I thought it was going to die, but it lived. I gave it to my sister and her kids, who took care of it until a Chevy morphed it into a Frisbee. "Poor thang," I told him, as I shoveled him into a bucket, then put him in the backyard with two other cats, a dog, a rabbit, a couple of birds, a turtle, some marbles and plastic army men I buried when I was a kid, and a pack of Marlboros I hid when I was 12 and could never find.

When children are raised without fathers the boys become teenagers and form predatory gangs. The girls get pregnant and have children who are raised without fathers. The cycle repeats itself.

Women are responsible for two-thirds of all child abuse. 

Boys are twice as likely to be abused by women as girls. A father at home is the best way to prevent this, not a social worker. The media pretends the truth is the opposite, just the way they pretend the problem in the Catholic Church is "pedophiles" instead of homosexuals. (Pedophiles molest children; pederasts molest teenagers. The problem in the Church is predatory pederasts.) Shame on the media for all their distortions, ignorance and lies.

Some years ago I walked out of a friend's house late at night. I ran into a gang of teenage boys on the sidewalk.

"You got a cigarette?" the leader asked.

"No, I don't," I said.

"Why don't you give me the one in your mouth?" He grinned.

I put my hand in my pocket and stared at him.

"You got a gun?" he asked. His grin was gone.

I said nothing, but gave him my best Chucky-"Good-Guy"-Doll-goes-crazy-look. They decided to not take the chance and faded away. Later, I contacted the police. "A bunch of fatherless boys living on welfare," they told me. "They just moved in. We know who they are." They quickly ran all of them out of the neighborhood.

Ah, the wonders of the liberal welfare society. It breaks up families, or else prevents them from forming. Coupled with the catastrophic failure of the public schools and the fact that high-paying blue-collar jobs have been run out of the country because of massive taxation and regulation, we have now lost entire generations of children, who have essentially become psychopaths.

You can blame these problems on women who have babies without fathers. You can blame it on fathers who desert their families (like the creep Phil Donahue, who traded his wife and family for a much-younger trophy wife).

I, however, mostly blame it on the State, for interfering in family life. The more the State expands, the more Civilization recedes. It's a Law of the Universe. And the family is the foundation of Civilization.

In the past, we had answers to incompetent parents. They were called orphanages. I was an undergraduate at a university that used to have an orphanage. It was closed down before I started school. I used to study at it because it was so quiet and peaceful.

I once read an article in the paper about the kids who lived there. They grew up to be good citizens. They became doctors and lawyers, cabdrivers and carpenters. All honest jobs. Very, very few became criminals.

I try to do my part, but I can't be father to 20 kids.

June 17, 2002 

Bob Wallace [bob.wallace at att.net], a former newspaper reporter and editor, and an incurable lover of puns, lives in St. Louis.

Article URL:  http://www.lewrockwell.com/wallace/wallace46.html

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