[Reader-list] Fw: HoffmanWire: Hoffman Contra Sobran

sumayar sumayar at freemail.absa.co.za
Sun May 26 22:18:32 IST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael A. Hoffman II <hoffman at hoffman-info.com>
To: <HoffmanWire at topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 10:06 PM
Subject: HoffmanWire: Hoffman Contra Sobran

> Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist
> Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
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> May 15, 2002
> Hoffman Contra Sobran:
> Deconstructing the Loyal Opposition
> > Lowering Our Guard
> > by Joe Sobran
> >
> > Who would want to provoke a war?
> >
> > For some reason, even Israel's warmest supporters
> > haven't picked up President Bush's description of Prime
> > Minister Ariel Sharon as "a man of peace." Unlike "axis
> > of evil," the phrase just isn't catching on. It's a bit
> > like praising Arnold Schwartzenegger as "this
> > generation's Cary Grant." You can admire Arnold for many
> > things -- and don't we all adore him? -- but suave charm
> > isn't exactly his line.
> ===============
> Hoffman replies:  Bush's characterization of Sharon as a man of peace is
> not only ludicrous, it's an indicator of the grave degree of disorder in
> Bush's soul, the same Bush who the American establishment media refuse
> to report was a business partner of the Bin Ladens.
> =========
> Sobran writes:
> > Sharon is tough. Give him that. And he refuses to
> > allow his country to be swallowed up by "the
> > international community," the United Nations, and
> > assorted acronymic agencies. Even when he's wrong, which
> > is usually, he sticks to his guns. Sharon consistently
> > puts his country first -- though this doesn't really
> > distinguish him from most American politicians, who also,
> > just as consistently, put his country first.
> ==============
> Hoffman replies:
> Oh, God! Here's one of these excruciatingly nonseniscal Sobranisms that
> have been cropping up in his columns over the past few years. Is this a
> bit of "diplomacy" to try and win over the Sharon-worshipping
> conservatives by faintly praising Sharon? If so, it's a fool's errand.
> "Give him that"? No way. I give Sharon nothing. He's a baby killer. He's
> the personification of the wicked Talmud, of genocidal Zionism's Master
> Race doctrines.
> Sharon defied the international community and the UN, says Mr. Sobran.
> But Sharon's Jewish lobby intimidates, subverts, bribes and thereby
> shapes and controls these communities and world bodies. If not, where
> were the UN sanctions on "Israel" when it refused the UN war crimes
> commission entrance to Jenin?
> Sobran lauds Sharon because he says Sharon "sticks to his guns even when
> he's wrong...Sharon is tough." This is a virtue? Is the pun about guns
> intended? The guns that kill helpless Palestinian grandmothers? The guns
> that Sharon's boys used to kill the first victim of the latest Israeli
> holocaust that began March 29-- an American citizen, a mother who was
> holding her infant when she was shot for no reason other than the
> Talmudic alibi that she was a sub-human Palestinian? Sharon sticks to
> his guns. Even when wrong. What is Joe saying?
> Mr. Sobran opines that Sharon "consistently puts his country first."
> Rubbish. Sharon and those like him will destroy the Jewish people. They
> put their country last. The Talmud and Zionism are what comes
> first--recipes for planetary suicide, of Israeli and Arab first, and
> then of everyone.
> Why this need to find something to praise in the hideous and disgusting
> mass murderer Sharon, who ought to be sitting in death row at the Hague
> awaiting a hangman's noose?
> ============
> Sobran writes:
> > U.S. Government officials have received information,
> > unspecified and admittedly unreliable, that we could have
> > an exciting July 4 ahead of us this year. Terrorists may
> > have picked Independence Day as the date for an attack on
> > a nuclear power plant.
> =============
> Hoffman replies:
> These cry-wolf "reports" are government-generated. They have been issued
> to spread panic and fear a half dozen times since Sept. 11. Sobran helps
> them by repeating without comment the latest govenrment panic bulletin,
> intended to keep the American Group Mind on boil, to keep us away from a
> cool, calculating assessment and investigation of the government's own
> role in 9/11. Until we truly calm down, "exciting" flag-waving jingoism
> obstructs sleuthing and skepticism.
> ===========
> Sobran writes:
> > We are also getting news reports and rumors, hard to
> > pin down, that Israelis, in this country illegally, have
> > been arrested while engaged in curious activities: posing
> > as art students, driving a truck with traces of TNT and
> > another explosive. It's possible that these Israelis are
> > here for innocent reasons, or that their doings aren't
> > aimed against the United States: even if they are Mossad
> > agents, they may be friendly to this country.
> =============
> Hoffman replies:
> Sobran states that even if they are Mossad agents they may be friendly
> to the US anyway.
> Huh? This is "Chronicles" magazine "logic." For years Rabbi Jacob
> Neusner was a columnist for the celebrated, "hardcore"
> paleo-conservative, "Chronicles" magazine-- you know, the 'zine that
> purported to want to restore "Western Civilization" by putting a rabbi
> on board their ship of state. What a joke.
> The Mossad, as a terror and assassination arm of the Israeli government,
> is dedicated to the destruction of our civilization. They can no more be
> friendly, under any circumstances, to the American people than the
> Jewish ("Russian") Mafia or the Chinese Communist Party.
> ==========
> Sobran writes:
> > But there is a darker possibility. Some of them may
> > be provocateurs whose mission is to stage an event that
> > will recharge American hysteria over terrorism and fuel
> > demands for immediate war with alleged "terrorist states"
> > -- which happen to be Israel's enemies in the Middle
> > East. It would be far from the first time Israel had
> > duped the United States in pursuit of its own interests.
> >
> > No politician will say this publicly, but when it
> > comes to Israel, U.S. security is very lax. Security
> > officials dread the ever-ready charge of anti-Semitism.
> > And when Israeli planes attacked the USS Liberty In
> > 1967, killing 34 American sailors, or when the spy
> > Jonathan Pollard's "rogue operation" turned out to have
> > the full authorization of the Israeli government,
> > Congress, instead of investigating the incidents fully,
> > chose to turn a blind eye. It either didn't want to know
> > what happened or didn't want the American public to find
> > out. The real scandal is not that we can't trust the
> > Israelis; by now that should be a given. What is much
> > worse is that we can't trust our own government.
> =============
> Hoffman replies:
> The preceding is factual, an axiom, yet it appears surrounded by the
> myopia and muddled thinking previously cited, so its usefulness is
> diminished, if not negated by dint of the confusion which mixing a bit
> of truth with massive error sows.
> ===============
> Sobran writes:
> > In Federalist No. 22, Alexander Hamilton warned that
> > one of the weaknesses of republics (as opposed to
> > monarchies) is that "they afford too easy an inlet to
> > foreign corruption." Foreign countries and their
> > partisans here have often egged this country into war
> > with their enemies: not only Israel, but England and the
> > Soviet Union.
> >
> ============
> Hoffman replies:
> Here we go with "American Constitutionalist" Sobran's bizarre tilt
> toward monarchism, last seen in his perverse column airing British
> author Samuel Johnson's execration of the American Revolution. Alexander
> Hamilton was an enemy of freedom. Monarchies are at least as susceptible
> to "foreign corruption" as republics; the most flagrant example of this
> being the British Crown.
> =============
> Sobran writes:
> > Of course a terrorist attack could come from many
> > parties, including disaffected Americans or hostile
> > aliens already within our borders. No foreign government
> > would have to instigate or facilitate it.
> > But is it likely that Iraq or Iran would sponsor
> > such an attack, when the U.S. Government, predisposed to
> > blame them, would most likely respond by shooting from
> > the hip? By the same token, an enemy of Iran and Iraq
> > might reckon that enraging the United States with a
> > "terrorist" incident, staged by trained provocateurs,
> > would be a convenient way of provoking the destruction of
> > both countries.
> =========
> Hoffman replies:
> Yes, of course. The stratagem is as old as the sinking of the Maine and
> the Lusitania, and the Parl Harbor ruse. Tell us something we don't
> know, Joe. Like how George W. Bush had Usama bin Laden's older brother
> killed in a plane crash, or how Bush Sr. and Jr. did lucrative business
> with SaudiBinLaden (SBL) prior to Sept. 11.
> ===========
> Sobran writes:
>  > This is not to say that Israel would actually do
> > such a thing.
> ===========
> Hoffman replies:
> Ha ha ha. You're quite the comedian, Joe.
> ==============
> Sobran writes:
> >The risks of failure would be enormous.
> ========
> Hoffman replies:
> The risks aren't so "enormous." The Israelis at the very LEAST monitored
> and tracked the 9/11 hijackers before Sept. 11, shepherding them. Cf.
> "Revisionist History" newsletters #20 and #23.
> Moreover, with a tightly controlled US media, with a Masonic FBI and CIA
> and the White House occupied by a Zionist agent, how are the risks
> enormous? Risk of exposure presupposes an independent media and an
> honest intelligence apparatus. America has neither.  Israeli complicity
> in the next  terror attack can be dimsissed as an "urban myth," in the
> same way that Deputy US Attorney General Larry Thompson on March 5
> dismissed the significance of the apprehension of Israeli "art students"
> and "moving van employees" in the wake of 9/11.
> There's not much risk of failure/exposure in an America that watched its
> own government bomb the Federal Murrah building in Oklahoma City; and
> that now watches Rep. James Trafficante sent to prison as a payback from
> the Israelis for his having helped free John Demjanjuk.
> Moreover, risk of "exposure" in the context of a processed American
> population, can in certain circumstances fuel the Cryptocracy, by the
> mechanism of the "Revelation of the Method" (cf. this writer's "Secret
> Societies and Psychological Warfare: 2001").
> ===========
> Sobran writes:
> > security is a matter of anticipating all possibilities.
> > With millions of lives at stake, dismissing some
> > scenarios as improbable is not enough. The 9/11 attacks
> > were improbable too. That's why they succeeded.
> >
> > Today America's guard is up on many fronts. But on
> > one front its guard remains conspicuously down. Any
> > president who can call Ariel Sharon a "man of peace" with
> > a straight face is in the wrong business. The frightening
> > thing is that he seems to believe this. If so, he's the
> > only one.
> >
> > The previous President Bush, for all his
> > shortcomings, had a healthy suspicion of Israel. As a
> > former CIA director, he knew what he was dealing with.
> > Hasn't he tipped off his son?
> =============
> Hoffman replies:
> One really must question Mr. Sobran's lucidity when he writes, "The
> previous President Bush...had a healthy suspicion of Israel. As a former
> CIA director...he knew what he was dealing with."
> As a member of the masonic order of "Skull and Bones," i.e. the Russell
> Trust at Yale, George Bush Sr. has never been an opponent of the
> Israelis. He was simply of that wing of Aryan-Zionists who were
> convinced that Yitzhak Rabin's approach toward swindling the
> Palestinians out of their land (by means of negotiation) was the
> craftier method, superior to Sharon's Neanderthal tactics; but the
> objective for these Masons and Judaics has always been the same: the
> rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem, secured in part by means of the
> pacification of the indigenous Palestinians, either through guile (Oslo)
> and CIA proxies (Arafat); or by massacre and war crimes (Jenin, Nablus,
> Ramallah, Bethlehem).
> George Herbert Walker Bush was an occult monster and the Chinese
> Communist Party's man in the White House before Clinton. He betrayed his
> drug-dealing crony Manuel Noriega and suckered Saddam Hussein into
> invading Kuwait.  Certainly Bush Sr. has "tipped off" Dubya, and the tip
> is the same one Christ was given, "Bow down before Satan and all these
> kingdoms will be yours."  At this late date, we should have absolutely
> no illusions about our deadly enemies. One wonders why Mr. Sobran
> exhibits so wretched a naivete toward them.
> It is disastrous that horribly confused and double-minded pundits like
> Mr. Sobran disseminate such a stew of half-truth and seeming
> disinformation, and yet still maintain chachet as beacons of opposition
> to the establishment.
> Such opposition is loyal opposition. It fits the Cryptocracy's profile
> of permissible and controlled opposition, of safety-valve venting and
> the generation of sufficient levels of "noise" necessary to keeping the
> America people awed and bedazzled spectators, rather than militant and
> clear-thinking detectives and radicals.
> In retrospect, Mr. Sobran's title for his column, "Lowering our guard,"
> would seem to be a double-entendre.
> Michael A. Hoffman II
> ---------------------
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> Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated
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