[Reader-list] Bin Laden tape 'not genuine'

Menso Heus menso at r4k.net
Fri Nov 29 15:57:33 IST 2002



"A team from the Lausanne-based Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual 
Artificial Intelligence, Idiap, said it was 95% certain the tape does 
not feature the voice of the al-Qaeda leader.

US intelligence officials have said they believe the recording - broadcast 
on the Arabic al-Jazeera television channel earlier this month - was almost 
certainly that of Osama Bin Laden. 

If verified, it would provide the first evidence in a year that Bin Laden 
survived the American-led bombing campaign in Afghanistan."

Guess we'll never know who's right and who's wrong, still thought it to be
quite interesting, draw your own conclusions.


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