[Reader-list] is bhangra taking over?

staun staun at subroutine.de
Mon Feb 3 18:55:15 IST 2003

Hi Menso,

Menso Heus schrieb:

> The quick toggling on the snare instrument is generally received as
> 'uplifting' and the funniest comment I read was that the 'sing-a-long'
> factor was rather low (I must admit, to me it also sounds lalalala
> lalalalolololalala and I have no idea what he's talking about, but with
> modern rap music that's generally a good thing ;)

Menso Heus schrieb:

judge yourself, this is the english translation of the lyrics, doesn't really fit to the stylish video
(have you seen it? the most intersting thing imo is the remarkable staging of the Petrona-Towers with
some kind of implicit schadenfreude):

keep yor face down and hide it with a scarf
don't just give your love to anyone


be careful of the boys
you've only just grown up
it's not your fault that you've got beautiful eyes
once you've realised this you will become shy
look after your youth
this time won't come again


as you are growing up people are becoming aware of your good looks
everyone is looking at your thin waist
theres no one like you


the boys are talking about you everyday
the streets are full of stories about your looks
don't let the attention drown you.


> As to 'where that sound
> comes from' I think it's just a rather logical follow-up of other 'cross-
> cultural' mixtures, perhaps stimulated extra by the fact that the
> 'Well Of New Musical Things To Do' has run rather dry in Europe, so we're
> quite welcoming any new sound, where ever it comes from.

especially in germany, i think there is some kind of longing for a south-asian immigrant community.
not, of course, that the majority is in favour of opening up the borders in general or is about to
turn into advocates of another wave of "guest workers" as the turkish immigrants during the
sixities/seventies were called, but within the reglementaton of a strict quota there was a certain
discoures about "the indian" as our favourite alien. the goverment issued green cards for computer
experts, which didn't quite work to satisfy the desire for curry, tantra and spiritualism, because in
the end most of the applications came from eastern-europe. but, as you say, there may be a certain
lack of "experts" in pop music as well, a lack that cannot completly be met by the search for
idols/superstars on television.


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