[Reader-list] an act towards peace

Shashi Gupta shashiarun at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 10:33:43 IST 2003

Lets hope that with a small action we are successful
in avoiding greater calamities that touch humanity.


Dear friend,

Please join me in taking a simple action for peace.

Together with thousands of folks around the world, I'm
a light in my window.  If enough of us do the same, we
can send
a strong message of continued opposition to war and
hope for peace.  It could be a Christmas string or
candle, a 
light bulb, or a lantern.  It's an easy way to keep
the light of 
reason and hope burning, to let others know that they
are not 
alone, and to show the way home to the young men and
women who 
are on their way to Iraq.

MoveOn's keeping a count of the people who are joining
in this 
simple act, from places all over the globe.  Please
sign up now 


Thank you.

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