[Reader-list] Attack on Humanity

narender kumar thakur narender224 at rediffmail.com
Thu Mar 27 11:33:47 IST 2003

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Dear Friends,
We must raise our voices against the dictatorship of US,UK and other countries. It is not only a question of Iraqi people but the concern of existence of human beings.The hidden aggendas of this hegemony are oil and other resources of underdeveloped countries.The ongoing recession in US economy is the main cause of the series of attacks viz. attack on Iraq, attack on Afganistan etc.US has how many nuclear weapons?In continuation of this, we should also ask from either developed countries or developing, for disarment, destroy of nuclear arms etc.
There is a voice, as:
To a Child on the Night before a War
Dedicated to the children of the Al Gameel family in Iraq
Words and music by William B. Petricko, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 1G8, Canada,songwriter at canada.com
Soft – ly
 Soft - ly
Soft ly
gen - tly
gen - tly
gen tly
Whis - per the dream you're
Whis - per the dream you're
Whis - per the dream you're
dream - ing
dream - ing
dream ing
Dark - ness
Dark - ness
Dark ness
holds you in the
holds you in the
 holds you in the
still - ness of the
 still - ness of the
still - ness of the
night. In the
night. In the
night. In the
dawn- ing
dawn- ing
dawn ing
mor - row
mor - row
mor - row
wait - ing the sound of
wait - ing the sound of
wait - ing the sound of
sor - row but to -
sor - row but to -
sor - row but to -
mor - row can- not
mor - row can not
mor - row can not
bor - row to -
bor - row to -
 bor - row to -
In your dream of to -
In your dream of to -
In your dream of to -
mor - row
mor - row
mor - row
do we hear your
do we hear your
do we hear your
Wak - ening hearts that are
Wak - ening hearts that are
Wak - ening hearts that are
ten - der that would
ten - der that would
dare not watch you
dare not watch you
dare not watch you
Soft - ly
Soft - ly
 Soft ly
gen - tly
gen - tly
 gen tly
Whis - per the prayer you're
Whis - per the prayer you're
Whis - per the prayer you're
pray - ing.
pray - ing.
pray ing.
Soft - ly
Soft - ly
gen - tly
gen - tly
gen - tly
fade to silence
fade to silence
fade to silence


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