[Reader-list] OnTheMedia

Curt Gambetta cugambetta at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 31 22:55:52 IST 2003


I was sent this link to a radio show on National
Public Radio in the US which is called 'On the Media'
and concerns analysis and discussion of the news
media. They post transcripts the week after, and I
think you can hear it on the net. The list seems to be
thinking a lot about the media and our alternatives
for critique and reflection... it's good to see the
volume of links and info passed around... I find it
incredible to be able to actually piece together at
least a semblance of critical reportage on what is
happening. It also amazing to me how vastly different
this cut and paste story we construct on our own is
from what is running on BBC and CNN... I think the
cracks are showing, though I fear the US public is
looking the other way...  -curt

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