[Reader-list] InteriorDesign (NYC) at Harvestworks

kalakamra at vsnl.net kalakamra at vsnl.net
Fri Aug 13 20:12:21 IST 2004


Ashok Sukumaran: Interior Design

Opening Saturday August 14th from 5 - 8 pm.

Ongoing installation open from Sunday August 15 - Tue. August 17th

12 noon - 7 pm.

596 Broadway Suite 602 NYC 10012 (at Houston St) 212-431-1130

Harvestworks will present a viewing of the third installment of Ashok
Sukumaran's "Interior Design" Installation series. In this site-specific work, the artist will introduce some generally unacknowledged elements into the ominous "black box" in which media art usually resides.

The Outside transforms this interior in both direct and mediated ways. The
audience is asked to constantly readjust their presence, in a space that
shifts from cinematic to architectural and vice-versa.

The works refer to the Room Camera Obscura, a media apparatus and public
viewing space where Kamra (room) and Kamera were one. Previous incarnations of this site-specific project have appeared in both Los Angeles and Mumbai.

In adopting the view that many of these possibilities are not new, his
projects imagine a "what could have been" between the disciplines of
interactive art, cinema and architecture. His work has received several
honors, including a David Bermant Foundation Grant in 2004.

Ashok Sukumaran is an architect and media artist currently living between
Los Angeles and Mumbai. He is interested in unexplored or forgotten forms of
viewership, especially those that arrive at intersection of specific sites
and media technologies.


Harvestworks is a not-for-profit arts organization founded in 1977 to
cultivate artistic talent using digital technologies. We foster the
creation of new works through coordinated digital media production,
education, information and distribution services. Located in Soho,
NYC and on the internet at http://www.harvestworks.org - we're a
creative environment where artists work in an integrated way.

HARVESTWORKS Digital Media Arts Center
596 Broadway, Suite 602 (at Houston St)
New York, NY 10012
Tel: 212-431-1130
info at harvestworks.org
Subway: F/V Broadway/Lafayette, 6 Bleeker, W/R Prince

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