[Reader-list] re: acts of leisure

Oli oli at zeromail.org
Mon Dec 13 18:56:49 IST 2004

dear nice leisure threat,

the experts in leisure are animals -think about dogs and cats performing 
unbeatable acts of leisure all the way through their life. they can teach 
us a lot about leisure, us poor capitalbeaten humans, who always have in 
mind what the time is already and who live from deadline to deadline.

leisure is not a privilege and is nothing one can live without.

leisure is independent of surveillance and also of the binary 
work/non-work. the moaning of the loss of public leisure areas through 
surveillance -at least in the form of videocameras- does not see the 
senseless effort of control that is done through these means. data gets 
collected and badly paid security stuff slinks around. but why care about 
it? leisure is, if not being confused with consumption, an unexploitable 
form of existence per se. you can't stop people from leisure, as long as 
they have a culture of leasure.

leisure also accepts consumption as long as consumption is not the aim of 
leisureship. leisure has a manifold of expressions, which vary from person 
to person and leisure can't be caught in the word coming from the 
plagiarism of the commodified world called 'spare time'. leisure can happen 
at home, at work, in the 'public'.

leisure often goes against authorities, cause they stand for unleisuredom. 
sleep is not pure leisure, but it might be sometimes.

leisure is a performed quality, that is not to be confused with lazyness. 
in other times, leisure was much better known than today and leisure gets 
sought after more and more as a reliable source of exploitation if the 
belief in leisure is not anymore grounded in the queendom of leisure but in 
commodifiable plagiats of it.

leisure sets itself its surroundings. leisure is sceptic about predefined 

as for one washing his car is leisure, for the other, watching one washing 
his car is leisure. leisure is a modus vivendi, and also a part-time issue.

sport can be undertaken as leisure, when not being sought after as 
strengthening the machine in you. thinking goes into leisuredom, when it is 
unstressful and circulating.

leisure can have a long duration, but also one so short that one hardly 
recognises that it has happened. leisure is not bound to a certain number 
of participants. a collective leisure is as much a good leisure as a 
solitary one. leisureing around with the ones one loves is maybe a perfect 

life as a leisure is totally nonsense, nobody is a 24h-leisurable person. 
leisure works together with other intensities. after work, there can be 
leisure. but also during work (well, not during every work).

leisure: when the social outside has lost its imperative on the inside and 
when the inside is listening to itself. this doesn't mean it is a kind of 
meditation. the inside can become very expressive and looking for tension 
with the outside.


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