[Reader-list] Re: genocide debate!

renu swaminathan iyer iyer_renu at rediffmail.com
Sat May 15 12:57:41 IST 2004

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Hi Sarang,

I tend to believe that the genocide happened, nevertheless if you watch the film(which i agree is a brilliant film)it focusses on the sentimental/emtional and tends to romanticize the actual event. There are characters who are part of a film within the film(also the making of ararat!!) who tell the story from varied perspectives, myth/lies etc. for instance the renowned artist arshille gorky's character is central to the entire event of the genocide for a woman who plays an art historian in the film, interspersed with her own real-life narrative. while it is a fantastic fil;m in its own right, there are instances when it gets unnecessarily clumsy with the credits, abt authenticity of events, documentary proof etc!!

On Sat, 15 May 2004 Sarang Shidore wrote :
>Hi Renu:
>Have you seen any of Egoyan's other films? He's an excellent director. "The Sweet hereafter" is one of my all time favorite films.

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