[Reader-list] democracy in Russia

Irina Aristarkhova uspia at nus.edu.sg
Sat Oct 2 23:34:46 IST 2004

Dear All,

Whatever little democracy we have managed to create in Russia is 
deteriorating with a speed of light - and it is not only 'Western 
propaganda', this time. Beslan is to Russia what 9-11 was to the USA. At 
least, in government's attempt to make its citizens paranoid, fearing 
their neighbors and reporting on every move of 'strange looking' people.

Today we've learned that the new social movement called "Russia 
anti-terror" is being created to "conduct civic surveillance over public 
places, as well as public ad-hoc education, and to inform authorities on 
found misbehavior in the work of various organizations". The leaders 
present this new movement not as political organization, but of a 'human 
rights' type. They strive towards 'peace and order', it seems.

In a country, where the work of informants has been the main resource 
for exiling people to Siberia and Gulag for centuries, this is not an 
innovation, but a well-known technique of everyday life. Those 15 years 
of democracy (though violent ones) are too little for a country like 

I would like to finish with words by "Russia anti-terror" leader (A. 
Lebedev) on how one would define a 'dangerous element':

"Who is amoral person? It is the one who is listening to music at night, 
disturbing the sleep of his neighbors. Such person might happen to be a 
terrorist or someone who morally supports terrorism. That is, a normal 
person at night sleeps, not sings.'

Any comment?

I often hear that India is the largest democracy in the world. At the 
same time, I learn from this list that 'freedom of speech and dissent' 
are often being persecuted in various ways, including most violent 
means. How does one reconcile it? Continue to work, despite of....?

Best regards,

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