[Reader-list] Study of cultural transition in urban slums of Jaipur city. Under sarai fellowship 2002-03

rajaram bhadu rajarambhadu at yahoo.co.in
Wed Sep 29 14:39:46 IST 2004

Here is my last posting concerning with the study on cultural 
transition in urban slums of Jaipur city. This posting is after too 
long interval. But someone can relate it with the previous postings.

With thanks,

  Rajaram Bhadu

Study of cultural transition in urban slums of Jaipur city
Under sarai fellowship 2002-03

Last posting
As media is a powerful medium to provide informations and depiction 
of popular (modern?) cultural forms in urban slums, therefore, it 
become imperative to explore how far media are effecting these 
sections. The exposure and impact of media was measured by modifying 
the schedule. The media included in this exercise were films, radio, 
television and print media (including newspapers and magazines). The 
numbers of respondent were 50, (23 females and 27 males). Selected 
there urban slums i.e. Manoharpura, Nagtalai and Paldimeena. The 
range of the age of the respondent between 18 to 35 years. The age 
group is quite curious to know the things and also in confronting 
position against prevalent value system.
If we go thorough the educational levels of these respondents, we 
find that out of 50 respondents 62% are literate, 14% just literate, 
simply able to read and write and use the arithmetic in their daily 
routine life and 24% are illiterate. Illiterate respondents felt 
hurdle in the interaction with media, they are on the wavelength with 
the communication on the basis of the language of sings and symbols. 
The larger group of respondents belong with scheduled castes as lower 
strata of the society. Majority of the respondents come from nuclear 
family. These phenomena similar with the urban social structure.
Once upon a time radio was in fashion in these communities. Till 
first round of the TV extension, radio and tape recorder were the 
only entertainment channels in slums, but at this time radios are 
merely remnants of the old fashion, i.e. only 10 %. TV took a major 
place in the every house of the respondents. There is few person 
(16%) who is interested in the newspapers/magazines. There are 
exceptional cases in these sites who does not watch small screen 
regularly. So the whole sensitive part of these slums is within the 
range of this visual equipment. Only 10% of our respondents are the 
listeners of radio. The readership of newspaper and magazines is 
growing slowly, although these magazines may be focused on films or 
popular kind of subject.
On TV screen, the majority of our respondents are almost regular 
audience of the social melodramas (56%) and comic episode (74%). 
Although entertainment is the prior concern of the viewers but they 
watch keenly the reflection and behaviors presented by these episode. 
Films and religions episodes have a tight grip on the mental world in 
these communities. Inspite of, to use the modern manner in the life, 
religious faith and attitudes have not loosened its roots. Secondly, 
the religious stories and sagas are familiar and well known among the 
people. The picutrization of the miracles and strange incidents are 
also factors behind the popularity of these episodes. Action and 
suspense in movies and serials are also popular form on the screen.
In reference of sources of information, it was found that nearly 62% 
of the respondents considered television as in important source of 
information which 12% consider that it occur through conversation 
with peer groups, 14% agreed that radio also provide information and 
only 12% favored newspapers and magazines. In these communities 
verbal interaction is predominate. So the impact of print media is 
not limited to particular reader, through verbal interaction it 
diffused. One person read newspaper loudly and other two or three 
person listen it carefully or person who read anything else, 
summarized this to other in oral form. In the process information 
from print media disseminated in a large rank. This practice of oral 
tradition is effective still in slums.
As the response shows media initiate its role of political 
consciousness in respective communities. But not so effectively. The 
illiteracy and social barriers may be the major hurdles in the 
direction. The impact of media regarding acceptability of the 
elementary education in respective communities is decisive. As well 
as, the pressure of urban life and living style are also major 
factors in this concern. In the context of girl's education, media is 
playing also an important role. In health issues, media played a 
quite significant role in respective slums. The numbers of 
respondents is less in favor of early marriage (only 18%) whereas, 
large number of the respondents (82%) are against the early marriage.
The majority of the respondents (78%) realize a tremendous change in 
their role within and beyond the family's sphere. The number of 
negative respondents is very less (12%). It may be possible that they 
could not conceive the question or they felt hesitation to answer on 
it. The realization of a positive difference in their role by 
respondents is an important factor. The virtual world of visual media 
is transferring the hard reality of viewer's life. Even in the slums, 
respondents sometime find her selves like the visual characters on 
screen or the paper.
The knowledge and information inputs reduce the power of the physical 
assets and money. Women (respondents) feel liberated from traditional 
limitations and find more meaningful role in the society. Like other 
positive attributes this changed role is a major indicator in the 
status of women especially in her self-image. At an extreme point, 
some respondents find their role models in media especially visual 
and follow their manners and style. Actually this is the matter of 
identification. Depending on their motives and values, viewers 
imagine as if they were on the scene. They develop empathy with some 
characters who happened to be somehow like them and identify 
themselves with the same or adopt them as models, sharing their 
feelings and values and copying them.

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