[Reader-list] (no subject)

rakesh at sarai.net rakesh at sarai.net
Mon Feb 14 20:17:18 IST 2005

Medianagar 02 : Call for Contributions

Medianagar is a Hindi publication of the Publics and Practices in the
History of the Present (PPHP) project in Sarai-CSDS. It presents research
notes and narratives from ongoing  PPHP research  centred on the city and
media. The attempt is to study media in its rapidly changing forms,
practices and modes of expression in the context of urban life – markets,
factories, courts, archives, etc; and to follow the histories of the
cinema, television, internet, newspapers and other media forms and
technologies and technological experiences.  
The research involves traversing zones of legality and illegality, passing
through markets, cinemas, corporate offices, music companies, film
distribution offices, cable network people, detective agencies, law courts,
police stations, government archives and factories. We meet shopkeepers,
software copiers porn merchants, architects, singers, accountants,
labourers, lawyers, officials, policemen: all of whom constitute the
fraught fabric of the Media City, the intertwining networks of curtailment
and circulation. Medianagar is a form through which we express our
findings, sometimes as raw material and sometimes as finished texts.
The idea behind bringing out Medianagar in Hindi is to create a kind of
interface with Hindi-speaking people and provide materials to the
researchers who are primarily working in Hindi. It is also a good medium
for the researchers to continue their interaction in the field. The first
edition of Medianagar was published in January 2004. It contained materials
on “Film and the City”, “Perspectives on the Media and City”,
“Emerging Trends in Cinema”, “The Transformation of a Resettlement
Colony into a Market”, “Labor in Media Market”, “The Contradictions
of CAS”, “A Brief History of the Cable TV Network in India”,
“Copyright Culture in Delhi”, “A Researcher's Experience in the 
MCD”, “Registered Societies”, “The Archival Image of a City”,
etc. We received a very good response from researchers and independent
individuals, especially from the Hindi-speaking areas. Now we are trying to
conceptualise the next issue.
We invite all those who are working on/around the above-mentioned themes to
contribute articles, memoirs, diaries, notes, images (or any other forms
you find interesting) for Medianagar 02. Please keep in mind the following

1.Textds should be neatly typed in Hindi  and not more than 5000 words.
2.If writing in Hindi is a problem, Medianagar can get texts translated
into Hindi if submitted early enough.
3.Submission can be in the form of hard or soft copies.

The last date for submission is 31 March 2005. Please keep a copy of your
as submissions will not be returned. Submissions should be addressed to:

Contribution for Medianagar 02
Sarai/CSDS, 29, Rajpur Road, Delhi 110054

For queries contact: rakesh at sarai.net

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