[Reader-list] (no subject)

sou dhamini soudhamini_1 at lycos.com
Tue Feb 15 22:00:45 IST 2005

Keith all-Hart,

 Thank you for the summary.

 It’s a totally new way of looking  at  money  for me 

 I’ve never thought of it in moral terms – as evil, or  lies 
 or  virtue for that matter. But I’ve never thought of it as being particularly sensuous either. But, ‘to bring to mind’ 
 is exquisite! Coin as touchstone 
  then currency would be like a waterfall in the mind! 

 To be very frank  
  the idea of memory as exchange/interface -  either in the form of the senses or language or money -  is less interesting for me than memory as doorway to an altered state; the internal, subjective experience of memory. But  its interesting to learn the history of ideas surrounding it. 

 Am going to leave notions of  memory aside for the moment and follow the money trail for awhile – notionally that is. This is fun 


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