[Reader-list] Meeting all in Bombay

kaiwan mehta kaiwanmehta at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 16:58:29 IST 2005

Thanks to those who responded to my prevous mails and that too positively.
Well since the suggested dates seem to suit all, I propose to meet ...
Barrista near Regal Cinema at Colaba
Saturday 9 April, 2005.

Hope thats fine for all!
Once again, all Sarai Fellows in Bombay, even if you have not had the
time to respond to my meeting-mails earlier, do drop in if you can.
Anyone else connected to Sarai, visiting Bobay by chance at this time,
please do come over.

Looking forward to meeting all,
Thanks and Regards,

Kaiwan Mehta
Architect and Urban Reseracher

11/4, Kassinath Bldg. No. 2, Kassinath St., Tardeo, Mumbai 400034
022-2-494 3259 / 91-98205 56436

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