[Reader-list] precarity and call centres

iram at sarai.net iram at sarai.net
Mon May 9 16:28:28 IST 2005

Dear all,

We recently wrote an article on precarity and call centres for the May
issue of `Kulturrisse'.

The article, `Working Lives: Re-looking the Call Center Industry in Delhi'
can be accessed at http://republicart.net/disc/precariat/sarai01_en.htm


Precariousness increasingly defines the conditions, under which people in
all different fields pursue their work. Yet it is not only work, but also
living conditions that have become precarious for more and more extensive
portions of the European population. The present edition of the republicart
web journal deals with more recent attempts to counter non-self-determined
precariousness with the means of art and activism, bringing a
self-determined turn to the term. In the practices of the Precarias a la
Deriva in Madrid, the Glücklichen Arbeitslosen in Berlin, the French
Intermittents, the May Day Parades in Barcelona and Milan, or the Italian
strike movement, there are components of a new concatenation of this
movement being developed: we call this precariat.

For more texts in the same journal, see:

Looking forwards to critiques/ comments/ suggestions


Iram and Taha

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