[Reader-list] Akshardham files - pictures uploaded

iram at sarai.net iram at sarai.net
Mon May 23 11:49:39 IST 2005

FWD: Posting by Sabir Haque, Nidhi Bal Singh and Leena Rani Narzary


Subject:Akshardham files - pictures uploaded
From:Sabir Haque <sabirhaque at yahoo.co.in>
Date:Sat, 21 May 2005 13:12:07 +0100 (BST)

Dear all, 
As mentioned in our last posting "What sank will resurface as ghost of
yesterday". I have uploaded the photographs from the Akshardham site, the
pictures depicts how time has changed on the Eastern bank of Yamuna. The
different stages of how Akshardham come into being. The ravages done by the
DDA on the farming, how standing crops were destroyed and farmers forcibly
evacuated on a single day.

The photographs are available on the following URL: http://www.whatasight.bravehost.com/Links.htm

Follow the link "The Akshardham files" and you will enter our webpages
where even our earlier postings are also available.

In our next postings, we will take up the legal standpoint of the farmers
and also DDA's. We will also cover an exclusive interview with Mr. A.K
Jain, Commissioner planning, DDA, his comments on Akshardham and Yamuna.

Thankx to all,

Sabir Haque
Nidhi Bal Singh
Leena Rani Narzary

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