[Reader-list] Re: [peace initiative] Kashmir Quake, Delhi Bombings and Our Response

shashidhar sabnavis iwasthere2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 1 00:16:21 IST 2005

Very very narrow perspective on an event of such
tragic consequences.

I work for an NGO and I have till date been actively
involved in three disaster relief missions, people are
reluctant to donate for various reasons and it has to
be respected, i have never met any person who has
blatantly said that he would not donate to a Muslim, a
majority of the people we are helping in Kashmir do
not really practise any religion, like me.

One of our directors who had come down was shocked and
amused at the thought of sending in relief from Pune,
he said Pune is 2300 KM from Jammu and Banglore must
be a little more, people living in such distances rely
on the media for information and everyone would agree
that the Tsunami had better representation in the

The real problems surrounding the earthquake are

1: - No one knows what to send, the mountains are a
terrain unknown to many people.

2: - The names of the people, POK, LOC etc. have
confused the people so much so that they really do not
know of the areas which have been hurt.

3: - Communication is the biggest bane, no networks
nothing in existence.

4: - Lack of government initiate to form coordination
committees ( In Tamil nadu, relief and rehab were
completely separated, each affected district under the
collector formed an NGO coordination committee and
each such committee allocated a certain part to NGO to
manage). This still has not happened.

5: - Apathy and lack of support of from people who
know of the climatic conditions .



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