[Reader-list] [Announcements] Bare Acts Picnic

Aarti aarti at sarai.net
Wed Nov 2 15:45:15 IST 2005

Sarai Reader 05: Bare Acts Picnic

Lodhi Gardens, Delhi
3:30 pm, Saturday, 5 November 2005

 From this November onwards we are trying to intiate a monthly informal 
discussion around particular texts from Sarai Reader 05: Bare Acts. The 
idea is to get different people to respond to texts from their 
particular locations and perspectives, and share this with a group of 
interested interlocuters. Each month we will consider a different set of 
texts grouped around a broad theme.

The first picnic will be held on the 5th of November at 4:00 pm in Lodhi 
gardens. It will be an informal gathering and the texts are grouped 
around the theme of gender and sexuality. We will meet at the gate 
outside the India International Centre. You can also ask for directions 
and so on by calling Aarti at 9810105158. Do bring along tea/coffee and 
fruit to help the conversation along !

Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Aarti Sethi, Gautam Bhan, Monica Mody and 
Sunalini Kumar will discuss the following texts from the reader which 
attempt to explore the fraught relationship between the law and realms 
of intimacy, sexual labour, pornography, movements for the assertion of 
sexual rights.

The texts can be downloaded in pdf format at:

Negotiating Territory: Ateya Khorakiwala, discussant Gautam Bhan

Womanhood Laid Bare: Alice Albinia, discussant Sunalini Kumar

Representing a Woman's Story: Hirakari Hori, discussant Monica Mody

Sex Workers Manifesto: Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Samiti, discussant 
Shuddhabrata Sengupta

Judicial Extract: discussant Aarti Sethi

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