[Reader-list] [Announcements] Mexican new media art lecture at JNU

Vivek Narayanan vivek at sarai.net
Mon Nov 14 13:47:48 IST 2005

*"In the absence of recombination"*
*Lecture by Ruben Gutierrez *
on new media art in Mexico
and the management of private cultural spaces
Time: *16:00hrs
Date: *Friday 18^
th November 2005
Venue: *School
of Arts and Aesthetics Auditorium

**Nehru** **
New Delhi** *
Ruben Gutierrez (1972)* is a multidisciplinary Mexican artist and 
founder and director of
/Object Not Found project room/, an independent non-profit organization 
in Monterrey,
a city close to the border of México and United States of America, whose 
mission is to promote the knowledge and appreciation of contemporary art 
through the RESEARCH, PRODUCTION, and EXHIBITION of intertextual objects.

*In the absence of recombination,
* Ruben Gutierrez will present a selection of videos by Mexican artists; 
these groups represent a new up and coming generation, product of many 
crises during the seventies and eighties in México. They are 
characterized by their cynicism towards the establishment and sardonic 
sense of humor, which pervades in many of their works.

These talents create their artwork engulfed in an environment permeated 
by foreign influences, notions of "globalization" and the request of 
years under economic and political crisis in México mass media and new 
technologies ad new flavor and raise up new problems in the work they 

/3er1/5 colectivo/, a group of artists from Monterrey, Mexico, embody 
their aesthetic, politic and philosophical qualms through the 
intervention of architectonic sites. Most of their works are hard to 
classify or document, since they are related to the alteration of public 
and private spaces. Most of their "interventions" deal with notions of 
space, mass organization, perception and solitude, appealing to the 
collective soul.

/Gustavo Artigas/ deals with concepts like game and disaster, his videos 
are registers of much elaborated actions and performances that intend to 
create rarefied atmospheres to the audience.

The program also includes a selection of international artists that had 
shows at Object Not Found project room. A selection of six artists, 
which had expressed their concerns about today's world in a Mexican 

In "The scenes from next week" /Andrew Demirjian/ shows simple daily 
things, such as doing the dishes, and bringing the garbage outside, 
under a upbeat melody mimicking the soap opera announcements and 
questioning the impact of such on our lives.
Mariam Ghani/, in her "How do you see the disappeared?", critiques US 
Immigration policy. In this work, she addresses several cases of people 
who for an unclear reason have been detained, and making the often 
randomness used by the IRS even more clear by pointing out her personal 
situation: born in America from a Pakistan mother and an Afghanistan 
father, she carriers an US passport, but isn't be able to re-enter the 
US without being questioned.

The work of /Mathieu Borysevicz/ shows a little hope in a country that 
has been terrorized by wars: Rwanda. Showing young children singing and 
laughing, welcoming a group of 'red-cross-workers'. Sadly enough, this 
hope is just for a short moment, as the war continues and the end isn't 

After September 11 /Tony Cokes/ made a series of videos that related to 
the articles appearing in the New York Times about terrorism and the 
information on the current situation in Afghanistan. He compares the 
pieces with articles from early dates. It is surprising to see the 
similarities in wording of the issues concerning the Middle East.

"Feast. Homage a Marcel Broodthaers" is a work by /Lislelot van der 
Heijden/. She thinks that in a time when people have to watch what 
they say, it is more interesting to watch what is said by what is not 
said. The work juxtaposes a series of statements – "this has nothing to 
do with oil," "a vulture is not an eagle" and "this is not political" – 
with a continuous video loop showing a close-up of a group of vultures 
ferociously fighting to seize a bite.

"Patriot Act" by /Robert Boyd/ takes a global sampling of iconic leaders 
of the Left and Right since World War II. The work is about the men who 
lead and the people who adore them – without question, without fall, 
time and again throughout the course of history.


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