[Reader-list] Somebody added a phrase to my posting

Bakwaas Das bakwaas_das at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 18 00:48:39 IST 2005

   Dear All,
  On 7/11/2005 I posted an item to the List. It was called ‘Turbulence is cliche, isn't it?’.
  It is an account of how, even as bombs burst at 3 locations in Delhi, a young man discovers, to his horror, that the fairness cream he has been applying to his face has indeed been effective: it has rendered his face fair, but his face is now fairer than the rest of his body. As the explosions occur, he begins applying the cream to his body.
  When the posting appeared, to the heading was added a phrase in Arial Bold: ‘A Story’. I do not know how it came over there. But it jarred.
  What I wrote was a very short narrative that tied a bomb blast to a (equally horrific for the young man) discovery. Was it ‘A Story’? I am confused, for since then I have read the following text:
  “October 29 will go down in history as the day Delhi was ripped apart by serial bomb blasts. An aside, though: some five million luxury consumers in India will remember it as the day the House of Chanel came to India. The Imperial lawns were swathed in white as Parisian models sashayed around in signature black and white evening dresses. Other highlights included jewellery lines displayed on large busts and Andy Warhol reproductions of Chanel No. 5”
  —    p 80, ‘regulars’, Outlook, Vol XLV, No. 45, dated November 14, 2005.
  Is it possible to present this text as part 2 of “Turbulence is cliché, isn’t it?”
  I await the decision of the symbolic violator who added, in Arial Bold, ‘A Story’ to the November 7, 2005 posting, thus reducing it to “mere” fiction.
B Das  

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