[Reader-list] Of lawyers and corporate scandals

Keith Hart keith at thememorybank.co.uk
Fri Oct 14 16:02:02 IST 2005


Thank you so much for this piece whose spirit and letter I strongly 
endorse. I beleive that th ereturn of morality to law, politics and 
business is imminent, at least as a minority movement. And no 20th 
century figure better exemplifies what that might mean than Gandhi. A 
case can be made that some features of the information revolution 
support a shift towards more ethical approaches to public 
responsibilities, as in this BBC programme:


I have recently published an essay, The Hit Man's Dilemma: or business, 
personal and impersonal, which explores the apparent contradiction 
symbolised by a fictional gangster caught between huamnity and 
inhumanity. The argument takes in corporate privatisation of the 
cultural comons through intelelctual property or 'information 
feudalism'. Some copies of this are being distributed through Lawrence 
Liang's Alternative Legal Forum in Bangalore. But a similar version is 
avaliable online at:


Keith Hart

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