[Reader-list] [Announcements] World Youth Conference

Aarti aarti at sarai.net
Wed Oct 26 12:51:33 IST 2005

/World Youth Conference/*       Hello,
   Around the globe, people are sweeping aside old notions of how we 
learn and develop, how to educate and to help, and what it is to build 
community -- by developing new practices based in performance. In both 
theory and practice, a new psychology that understands our ability to 
perform -- to pretend, to play, to improvise, to be who we are and other 
than who we are -- as key to our emotional, social and intellectual 
growth and well-being.

Organizing the International Conference on Racism and Child Abuse , 
fights  and interrogates the growing social vices  Child Abuse and 
racism taking place in urban centers, towns and villages the world over. 
The conference will bring together Youths, Youth Leaders, Performers, 
Educators, Artists, Scholars and Researchers, psychologists and 
therapists, Health Professionals, Business professionals, Youth workers, 
Activists, and Community organizers to showcase what need to be
done to win this war. These events are scheduled to commence in 
Michigan, USA and come to an end in Napoli, Italy. It is a two-tied kind 
of events in which all the
participants and educators shall be happy to partake in.

Spend some unique days ...

Learning new ways to relate to human beings, to culture, to community, 
and to social change. Meeting others like yourself; learning, teaching, 
inspiring and being
inspired. Exploring the potential of a performance approach to unleash 
and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change the world.
The events shall commence on the 28th of November 2005 and end on the 
1st of December 2005 at

Elvis Concert Hall
1800 Pardee Rd
Taylor, MI 48180-6320
While the second segment in Italy shall commence on the 5th of December 
and end on the 8th of December 2005 at

Centro Giovanile
le Tecchio 10,
80125 Napoli,

We believe this is an incredible opportunity to network with like-minded 
Individuals and organizations in the promotion and development of 
pro-active youth associations and NGOs in our communities. These events 
are open to Youth Organizations, Socio-Cultural Organizations, 
performers, educators, artists, scholars and researchers, health 
Organizations, Professionals and Business Organizations, 
Non-Governmental Organizations, Human Right Organizations, Women Groups 
and persons that adhere to our principles. The Global Youth Welfare 
Organization shall provide an all round flight ticket to all cities of 
the events in U.S.A and Italy for every participant, and also 
accommodation and feeding for all participants in U.S.A shall also be 
provided. Participants will only take care of their accommodation and 
feeding expenses in Italy.

All Interested organizations should forward  your names to the contacts 

rozeneadams at yahoo.com 

1) Aims and objectives of the Organization
2) Organization profile
3) Achievement so far
Participants MUST be a group of 5-10 persons to qualify for 
registration. Registrations will be confirmed via a message to your 
designated e-mail address after processing your profile.
Rozene adams

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announcements at sarai.net

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