[Reader-list] SECOND POSTING

Rudradep Bhattacharjee bhatt_rudra at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 4 00:43:38 IST 2006

Greetings, fellow Fellows (and  everyone else who’s
listening in!),

For those who have been waiting for my posting with
bated breath, apologies for the delay. 

I have been going through a crisis here. To be
precise, a bout of second-posting blues.

It’s that stage of the research process when you are
on the trail of many different strands and you have
none of them completely worked out. And if it’s a film
on cyberspace and freedom – both very difficult to
represent visually – you have got your hands full. 

Like a good, diligent researcher, I decided to begin
by doing a bout of library and web research. While
there is a wealth of material on various aspects of
cyberspace in terms of the American and the European
experience, I had realized, even while working on the
proposal itself,  there was not much material to be
found specifically in the Indian context. (So, all you
researchers, there is actually a gold mine here
waiting to be dug up!) One of the aims of the project
would be to collate the material that’s scattered all
over really and make it accessible at a single place.
The blog (which is not up yet, but, I promise, will be
up this month) should serve that purpose. 

But the fact that there is a wealth of material on the
American and European experience but ever so less
about ours begs an interesting and fundamental
question :  Are the issues in India different? Is
there something like an Indian cyberspace which is
different from the American cyberspace?  If so, then
does not the whole anti-statist stand of the cyber
libertarian fall flat on its face? Doesn’t cyberspace
then become demarcated along the same boundaries that
it is supposed to have erased?

Please do respond if this excites you even a wee bit.

Meanwhile, the library research goes on. And shall go
on for most of this month. I start traveling in April
(Once I have quit my job!) 

Also, I am still looking for further funding to make
the actual documentary. 

Any ideas anyone about prospective funding


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