[Reader-list] Critiquing Neo-Classical Economics

nmajumda+ at pitt.edu nmajumda+ at pitt.edu
Mon Jan 28 20:21:36 IST 2008

I am posting the question below on behalf of someone who is not a member
of this list:

There is a philosophical journal in Munich called "Widerspruch"
("contradiction"), which has become quite well known in philosophical
circles in Germany over the years, especially because it has retained
something like a critical thrust and an interest in contemporary problems.
This is certainly not common as far as philosophical journals are
concerned, at least in Germany.

Widerspruch's next issue will focus on "alternative economics". This will
involve subjecting neo-classical economics, which is practically ruling
today's world, to a critical scrutiny. The starting point of this project
was the protest of students of economics at the Sorbonne against
mainstream economics, which ignores vital aspects like the ecological or
the political that are inseperable from real economic praxis. In this
connection "Widerspruch" has formulated a small catalogue of fundamental
questions which they would like to pose to "alternative economists" all
over the world.

If you have suggestions for names (and contact information) of Indian
economists critical of mainstream economics, would you please email me a
list of persons Widerspruch could approach?

Thank you,
Pravu Mazumdar
mazumdarpravu at gmx dot net

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