[Reader-list] [Announcements] A Performance of Yeats with Hindustani Music

Logos Theatre logos.theword at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 14:00:37 IST 2008

 As part of 'not reading from a chair', a performance cycle presented by the
SpeechMagic initiative, an effort of Logos Theatre, there will be a
performance of the poetry of W. B. Yeats, set to Hindustani classical music.
The effort will be to explore the mystical imagery of Yeats' poetry through
the nuances of Hindustani raagas. The artists are: theStillDancer - poetry
performance and SIKAN DEROUGE - vocal music and guitar. The performance will
take place at Maya Gallery of Contemporary art, #59, Nandidurga Road (near
the airtel office), on the 15th of July at 8 PM. Entry is at 200/- (100/-
for students with valid IDs).

Logos Theatre
          In the beginning was the word
No. 126,
3rd Main Road,
Jayamahal Extension,
Bangalore 560046
If it be now, 'tis not to come;
if it be not to come, it will be now;
if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all.
Since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is't to leave betimes?
Let be.
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