[Reader-list] Marriot Bombing_breaking News

rashneek kher rashneek at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 11:26:58 IST 2008

Dear Friends,

A news agency called Sarai Express has just reported that the Marriot
Bombing is a handiwork of Majrang Dal and Billi Police.The investigating
team comprising of crime journalists,forensic experts,explosive experts and
cyber intelligence team of the agency has reported a conversation between
Talvin Pogadia(hiding in Kajaur) and Bhaliwal(hiding in the North Zaristan)
congratulating each other after the blasts.
While still on crime they have unearthed how the Delhi bombings was also a
handiwork of the Sikh Nationalist force of Afghanistan and Hindu Terrorists
of Pakistan.They have also brought to light how terrorists of both groups
were trained in Kafirkot.
This news sheds new light on how IM and SIMI(both harmless family
planning and welfare organisations)were wrongfully being targetted by the
Indian Agencies.



Rashneek Kher
Wandhama Massacre-The Forgotten Human Tragedy

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