[Reader-list] To Taha Mehmood

Sandeep vashsand at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 1 15:39:54 IST 2009

Dear Taha
U said Lashkar change of name to JUD triggered ur intrest as ur intrested in question of identity. its could have been valid  point if that change of name was brought about internal evolution only and not triggered by Pakistani state halfheartedly banning Lashkar under international preasure. Otherwise i think question of identity(along with culture)is one of the biggest post modren fuckups where every idioit who might not be able to spell it parades with it on his/hers chest and all liberal anthropoligsts etc hailing him/her until this phenomenon was restricted to miniorites both sexual and ethnic/religious, women.. it seemed quite harmless, we all r for liberation of opressed etc. but this identity disese aint restricted to opressed, suddenly so called dominant groups start playing this game hindu, white, muslim, jewish supremacy..making these socalled post modern intelligensia to scream in impotence.
As far as im concerned none of these opressed or opresseors r really serious about anything except this spectacle keeps moving on who knows tommorow butcher from gujrat will start parding their hidden  transvite opressed identies and demand justice.
So have some beer /wine and enjoy. history of humanity is full of masscares so its nothing new, mass muders with sense and understanding of identity arent any better than without sense or understanding of it.

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