[Reader-list] Is anyone thinking about boycotting Pakistan?

M Javed javedmasoo at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 11:11:48 IST 2009

How does one boycott Pakistan? Haven't we already done that by not
playing cricket with them. But interestingly, while we boycott
Pakistani cricket team because of the Mumbai terror, we play cricket
with Sri Lankans who are killing so many Tamils in Sri Lanka. Why
can't we boycott them as well. (and interestingly, Sri Lanka has
decided to play cricket with Pakistan any way).

I think the only way to fully boycott Pakistan is to simply eject the
entire landmass of that country from the planet earth and send it
spiralling into outer space - that's the only way the terrorism can be
solved.  Then the empty space will be filled with the water from the
Arabian sea and it may actually solve the problem of global warming.
Maybe we can tag along Afghanistan too with (Osama will certainly
leave earth then) and send them to outer space - they will also meet
the Iranians there (who have just sent their satellite). Good way to
solve many problems in one go.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Lalit Ambardar
<lalitambardar at hotmail.com> wrote:
> You could only be sure of a mute response.
> In case of Pakistan you are expected to maintain  the  'dine & dance' bonhomie even while India conitinues to bleed at the hands of the Pakistan sponsored pan Islamists.
> One can only suspect the empathy being shown for the poor Palestinians since the bloody ethnic cleansing by the Pakistan loyal Kashmiri jihadis, of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits- co citizens of the most on this forum never evoked any such similar sentiment.
> On the contrary the perpetrators like Yassin Mallik who at the behest of his Pakistani masters along with his other jihadi cohorts brought death & destruction to our own Kashmir- in our own backyard, are being unashamedly eulogized on this forum.
> Regards all
> LA

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