[Reader-list] Fwd: People's Resistance - Independant Judiciary Seminar - 23 Feb 630pm PMA House

yasir ~يا سر yasir.media at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 16:21:53 IST 2009

    People's Resistance

    Press Release - 22 February 2009

    Movement to Restore
    Independant Judiciary:
    Truths, Myths & Realities

    A Seminar

The Peoples Resistance (PR) is hosting a seminar titled "Movement to
Restore Independent Judiciary: Truths, Myths and Realities" on Monday
Feburary 23rd, 2009 at 6:30 PM at PMA House. Speakers at the seminar
include Muneer Malik and Rasheed Rizvi, senior lawyers from the Bar
Associations, Judge Mushir Alam and Samina Noman, lawyer who will also
represent PR.

When former President General Musharraf removed Chief Justice Ifthikar
Chaudhry in 2007, declared "Emergency" and implemented the PCO, few
would have guessed that hundreds of lawyers, citizens, civil society
activists would came out in the streets in support of rule of Law in
Pakistan and demand Justice. The movement has had its critics, yet we
still see hundreds of people from every province, every class come out
and stand up for the restoration of the Judiciary and the rule of Law.

Now that A LONG MARCH HAS BEEN CALLED for March 12th, 2008, over
30,000 people are expected to protest in Islamabad, to affirm their
rights as citizens and to raise their voices for the rule of law - a
most significant event in Pakistan's history.

Come listen to the people who have been at the forefront on the
movement as they talk about the successes, the myths and realities of
the last two years. The Peoples Resistance invites you to a seminar on
 the "Movement to Restore Independent Judiciary: Truth, Myths and

The speakers will not only track the history of the movement but will
speak about restoration and revivial of the institution itself.

The Peoples Resistance (PR) is a civil society organisation - a
citizen's group and a loose coalition - composed of ordinary citizens,
professionals, students and other human rights groups who work
together for the common cause of : upholding the Constitution,
restoration of Judiciary and implementing rule of Law.


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