[Reader-list] Fw: reeling from discontention 2.

subhrodip sengupta sub_sengupta at yahoo.co.in
Wed Jun 24 19:10:55 IST 2009

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From: subhrodip sengupta <sub_sengupta at yahoo.co.in>
To: Readers list Yousuf Sarai. <reader-list at sarai.net>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June, 2009 6:55:05 PM
Subject: reeling from discontention 2.

I wonder why intentionally young minds are blindfolded and strayed off from a healthy normal life.
I'd point out to some CO-ED schools(most of them). Friendship between students is such a bliss. And I do not see any reason to condense and collect all relations in different cups.. OK there are probhlems with free mixing, there are sexual abuses and Unsafe sexual practices, but whatevver one does one can not rule them out. The point seems to infuse a kind of feudal culture instead, which could maintain the authority and social strata. In most Co-ed schools there is seggregation of mal and female students within the same class. FEmales sit in one group and males in other. The dangerous outcome of this is simply the existance of distict mentalities and culture and enragement of Battle of the Sexes. Infatuation replaces Attraction, and Affair, friendship. As they 'grow up'(12th standards),Male and female students, dancing enjoying in a group are ostracised, and even laughing and touching each other(hugging) is strictly a NO-NO. What do such creatures
 get out of life, if they miss the joy of relating? The outcome is lack of Gender awareness, Even after 12 years, people do not understand each other physically and psychologically, and on seeing a female lady doctor for children in a tatto in her hands, their eyes pop-out. The whole objective ruined. Who would else inforce strict codes of rights( rights in school?) and sensitisation? My problem goes a little furter. . . . . . . . . . . .  . . .. . . . .. .  . .
Do girls prefer to stay out of boys, and what is the mentality vice Versa? Then seggregate them, who are we to enforce our views on them. It becomes thus impossible to track indiviual responses to form a group and sexual behaviour at a tender age, something that would be good to map vis-a-vis culture. And who are these people to act as moral guardians.. I remember getting ostracised once in front of a teacher, when a group of girls wanting to play(outdoor games for the pervert mind) once got into my bedroom. Privacy is subjective it must be respected. The rights to engage and not to engage re-inforce each other, It seems a gross code is simply to inforce discipline to do away with problems. Gender abuses thus, may be kept in dark, with people fearing each other. I found true friendship between students and teachers inter-se as condusive to work culture, rather than contrary, as it gives a certain inspiration to strech ones mind. The best culture I found
 was a bit out of DU(where people come in fresh out of seggregationary schools and fear each other, rather than certain types, interested in gossips and AGE barrier, it does exist, empathy was missing), it was in Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences. Show of Elation had alas, been so 'unnatural' before. This is Conditioning, mass conditioning. 
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