[Reader-list] Fw: Reeling from discontention

subhrodip sengupta sub_sengupta at yahoo.co.in
Wed Jun 24 19:11:13 IST 2009

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From: subhrodip sengupta <sub_sengupta at yahoo.co.in>
To: Readers list Yousuf Sarai. <reader-list at sarai.net>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June, 2009 6:27:33 PM
Subject: Reeling from discontention

Our Father Who art in Heaven,
Holy be thy name.
Thine Kingdom Come 
Thy Will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven.....
Do not bring us to the time of trial
But Deliver us from Evil!

Most convent educated children would somewhere recognise these lines. They are taken from the Bible, Father have something to do with the 3 religions........ Among the 3,Evil has preponderence in chrishtianity.Reminds us of Lucifer, Adam and Eve. A tradition which both Protestants and Roman Catholics share. To imbibe lines from the bible into each and every student's mind. To make all non-christians part of the christian ceremony with prayers to start with and then with every kind of possible sublimial practice, be it compulsory X-mas participation. Thankfully Baptism is not compulsory. . . . Yet these have a long tradition of superiority in Communication skills and given the degree of Competition parents flock to send in their children to these schools and accept these traditions. Worse. The children who blurt in through the prayers are given lead punishment. Even Hindu, Jain and Muslim teachers repeat the prayer, for the Lord in front, read the Head
 Of the Institution, inevitably a Christian needs to be thanked for the food they eat! Compulsary donations are taken to errect elaborate Altar of Mother Mary and Jesus. My objection is not as much with infusion of faith in God(if it results in more self confidence, so be it) as is with the forcing of Religion on others. Then there is Satanism, a kind of political and philosophical critique of chrishtianity. And one has the right to be an aethist. NO, this is accepted and continued.
Cursed. . . .. . .
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