[Reader-list] Fw: ISI Killed Youth in Gilgit

Kshmendra Kaul kshmendra2005 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 28 16:09:17 IST 2009

"Its irony that the 2 million local indigenous people of this disputed land have no right  to seek the Justice anywhere because it does not fall under the constitutionally Jurisdiction of  Pakistan and it’s courts. There is no High Court  and Supreme Court to appeal against Human Rights  violation, because the occupation forces and its intelligence agencies have the right to kidnap and kill anyone with impunity."

--- On Sat, 6/27/09, Balawaristan Front <chairmanbnf at gmail.com> wrote:
From: Balawaristan Front <chairmanbnf at gmail.com>
Subject: ISI Killed Youth in Gilgit
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009, 10:26 PM
Urgent Appeal

Sadiq Ali s/o Rajab Ali age 30 an innocent man and son of a former district member from Jafarabd,  Nagir was arrested by city Police Station Gilgit, but took over by ISI and tortured him seriously in a fake murder case. 
He was in Rawalpindi Pakistan when a person was killed in Gilgit and he has no links with that murder case. He was again handed over to Police by ISI in the night of 26  June in critical situation  as a result he was succumb to death in the Hospital Gilgit on 26 June 2009. 
According to the written law of Pakistan Police have the power to detain any suspect on solid ground but Intelligence Agencies have no power to arrest and detain anyone. 
But in Pakistan as well as in this occupied territory no role of law but the rule of Jungle is prevailed and no one can challenge this trend of Pakistan Army and its Intelligence Agencies.
This is the time where the family of the victim has no place to go where a case can be registered against  ISI commander who have build a secret underground torture cell near Gilgit Airport.
Its irony that the 2 million local indigenous people of this disputed land have no right  to seek the Justice anywhere because it does not fall under the constitutionally Jurisdiction of  Pakistan and it’s courts. There is no High Court  and Supreme Court to appeal against Human Rights  violation, because the occupation forces and its intelligence agencies have the right to kidnap and kill anyone with impunity.
We the 2 million people of Balawaristan (Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan) appeal UNO, EU, Human Rights organizations and civilized world to bring FCNA Major General Muzamil Hussain along with the Commander of ISI and other culprits to justice. This is the obligation of UNO and civilized world particularly to provide justice to the victim by taking this issue seriously, because this is disputed territory of Jammu & Kashmir according to the UN resolutions.
Abdul Hamid Khan
Balawaristan National Front (BNF)
Head Off: Majini mahla, Gilgit, Balawaristan (Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan)
www.balawaristan.net, Email: balawaristan at gmail.com, 
chairmanBNF at gmail.com,balawaristan at hotmail.com  Tele: 0032 22311750


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