[Reader-list] As a society when do we let the wounds heal in society.?

Rajen Uppinangadi rajen882uppinangadi at gmail.com
Sun May 3 16:19:42 IST 2009

Dear All,

 after so many views about unrest in society, about the system of rule of
laws governing the society in democratic India, about the use of hate speech
by nethas of different political outfits,about moral policing of women and
liberal views of pink loose chaddis, live-in and gay life styles which are
all only symptoms of modern living but not necessarily of good life, after
so many bomb blasts where bombs did not discriminate in delivery of death
and injury to humans, when do we take steps to let the wounds in the present
time frame.?

   How many more incidents are the need of the society to wake up from the
deep rot of hate, vengeance and revenge in society.? Agreed that our leaders
made mistake in 1947 in having two separate land mass one for muslims and
the other for "secular" society,agreed that muslim leaders who promised the
then leaders that they will live in harmony with the secular society in free
India.The very basic premises which formed the nation of free India that all
faiths would be respected, turned around as the promise of role of faith was
not important in rule of laws, was overlooked in governance and
discriminations based on caste, faith ruled all these years.

   But the fact is now it can not be undone, the followers of the faith who
are living now, are part of the society and all have to accept this as the
starting point. To the argument that many of the minorities used to take
full the advantage of being minority, indulged in acts of violence in early
years of free India only to go scotfree, even get rewarded for acts of
criminal acts of violence is a fact,in retaliation, majority who were
conditioned to "tolerate" are no more "tolerent" of the acts of anyone in
society of taking laws into their own hands by anyone of any faith should be

Is it not time for all of us to think of today, to plan for the future of
the next generation of free India, who are now totally fed with "history" of
different shades and not truth.? Can we not forget the past and the miseries
of the past to make our next generation secure and happier and see that they
do not carry the legacy of hate, revenge and vengeance.? With population
increasing in geometric proportions in the society, the violence and
breeding of hate and revenge will only get more of it. As all faiths are for
compassionate living, sharing and caring of all living beings,  do we have
to carry the baggage of hate and cross of revenge for any more distance.?

In the past, we had kings and kingdoms, we had the clans and fiefdoms, and
the kothwals, paleygars,chowdharies and patwaris, jats and yadavs who had
specific tasks in kingdoms, but now in democratic life of a free nation all
such surnames have no bearing whatsoever in rule of laws. Should we still
live in the past with baggage of hate, vengeance and revenge or can we go
into this century with a mission of humane living.?



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