[Reader-list] The Islamic Flag of Indian Muslims

anupam chakravartty c.anupam at gmail.com
Thu May 7 14:46:36 IST 2009

Dear Vedavati jee,

To quote you in your previous exchanges with the reader's here: "For me,
muslims are Indians moreover they are human beings and not votebanks. Not
Babar but Ram was their ancestor."

Though i agree with you in the first part of sentence (even though it has a
hint of being patronising). the second part of the sentence it is clearly
evident that you were forcing your hindu identity on them. so please, before
you decide on throwing anyone out of this country, you should remember that
your freedom to say whatever is based on that same gandhian model.

thanks anupam

On 5/7/09, Rakesh Iyer <rakesh.rnbdj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all
> If Hindus and Muslims of India can be united forever by attacking a
> few, then I too would like to be a part of that few to ensure that
> they live happily forever. That would be better both for India (from
> the nationalist sake) and for the entire world (from a humanist sake
> point of view).
> Regards
> Rakesh
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