[Reader-list] India state-run banks 'turn away Muslims': BBC

Rajendra Bhat Uppinangadi rajen786uppinangady at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 17:20:19 IST 2010

it is travesty of truth to say that the "muslims" are discriminated in
India, typical of british and their known strategy of divided and rule.,
that usage of media to manipulate the public opinion as we, in India have
not yet come out of the hang over of british rule of 250 years, nor is the
effect of "muslim rule" on the society will easily get accustomed to rule of
laws in democratic nation whee faith is not the criteria for delivery of
good governance.
It is common sense that the wrong doers always take defense of the faith to
cover up the wrongs, irrespective of the faith.! Be it a muslim or christian
or hindu or jain or sikh, it is the deviants who project their
victimhoodbecause of their faith.!Any number of poor who can not open the
account for want of id proof is not a new issue, by the way, it is Taha, who
wants freedom, but not identity to be counted as citizen of India, who has
been vehemently using the similar arguments about the id.When a nation has
an approach of respect to all faiths, oldest party divides the nation on the
basis of faith, caste and language and regions, national identity is lost,
to great extent, with faith id being stressed by behaviour, dress and any
other national id is seen as "imposed" is the hallmark of intolerence of the
individuals, who again organise themselves with followers of faith, to
indulge in first bite into national coffers, and amusingly we have plenty of
"seculars' who like this as this way.! Primarily, supposed majority in the
nation is so badly divided that if muslims riot and being seen as communal,
with NGOs, it is immediately rebutted that the NGO is not communal,but if
hindus are not divided and stand above the caste and creed, the organisation
is communal unlike the eucharistic or jamaath .?Unfortunately, when a hindu
is attacked, other hindus think of the attack as not on hindu or on a human,
but on a individual of a caste and do not get concerned of deviant
If a muslim or a christian is attacked for any issue, it becomes ciommunal
attack by all hindus........! If a few students are unable to get their
accounts opened, if they happen to be a particular faith followers it
becomes an issue of discrimination as if other students are not
discriminated at all in the system in the guise of caste.? All paper work
asks for faith, caste for any governance, why, would you please enumerate,
but the same forms are filled by those who want the document, be it a
driving license or passport.Why is it then discrimination.?

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Javed <javedmasoo at gmail.com> wrote:

> India state-run banks 'turn away Muslims'
> By Sanjoy Majumder BBC News, Delhi
> State-owned banks in India have been accused of discriminating against
> the country's Muslim minority.
> India's minorities watchdog has received a record number of complaints
> from Muslims who say they have been prevented from opening bank
> accounts.
> India's Muslim community is among the poorest in the country.
> Some bankers say it is not so much their religious background, but
> their economic status that makes it hard for Muslims to get banking
> facilities.
> The National Commission of Minorities says that there has been a 100%
> increase in the number of complaints it has received over the past
> year from Muslims who say they are being prevented from opening
> accounts in state-run banks.
> Reports say the worst case took place in the southern state of Andhra
> Pradesh, where some 90,000 Muslim students were unable to open
> accounts to deposit scholarship cheques given to them by the
> government.
> Official reports frequently put Muslims at the bottom of India's
> social and economic ladder - even beneath than low-caste Hindus.
> Their economic status means they are often excluded by private banks,
> which prefer more well-to-do clients.
> Already a number of reports have suggested that India's Muslims fare
> poorly when it comes to getting access to quality education or
> employment opportunities.
> This latest finding will add more pressure on a government which is
> seen as doing very little for the country's largest minority group.
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-10718243
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