[Reader-list] Apple Industry Disaster

A. Mani a.mani.cms at gmail.com
Sat Sep 11 21:40:10 IST 2010

all due to liberalization, privatization and corruption.

see: http://www.pragoti.org/node/4123

"Now in such a situation if the apple in the market fetches a price of
just Rs 140 to Rs 300 , it means a disaster is in the offing.
Interestingly this year the apple crop is the largest and is termed as
a bumper crop with and estimate of over 3.25 crore boxes. Last year
there were just 1 crore. But the farmers have been looted by a cartel
of traders, commission agents and their political counterparts landing
in a situation where they would not even be able to meet the expenses
what to talk about earning."


A. Mani

A. Mani

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