[Reader-list] Actors for Goa theatre-environment project

Ujwala Samarth ujwalasam at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 14:16:23 IST 2010


Looking for six actors for an innovative performance that seamlessly mixes
dance, movement, voice and music. Residency will held in the second week of
October, in Goa and actors would need to be in residence for at least two
weeks and out of communication with the rest of the world.

 While actors will be paid handsomely by theatre standards in this country
for the residency, their additional income will come from the performance
tour that will follow. The duration of the performance tour thus far has
been kept open-ended but can be expected to be at least another one month.
Ideally, actors may need to commit themselves to three months away from
hearth and home.

 Prior theatre experience is not mandatory and in many cases can be
distinctly disadvantageous. The five-person selection panel aged twenty to
sixty will make efforts to keep biases based on creed, colour, gender,
language, status etc., to the side. Given that the residency is in Goa and
will tour Goa extensively, preference will be given to those who live in Goa
and show a strong attachement to the state.

 Actors need to be above the age of eighteen and can be of any shape, size,
complexion etc. They need to bring with them a passion for life and the
arts, the fear of what is happening to the forests and water in the name of
'development', and the belief that a powerful theatre can awaken the public.

 Actors would welcome arduous rehearsal and training and a work schedule
that can be as long as twelve hours, Sundays included.
CONTACT: hartman.desouza at gmail.com


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