[Reader-list] Fwd:VAMP takes on documentary film-maker

Shilpa Phadke phadkeshilpa at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 10:12:28 IST 2010


"Prostitutes of God:" Film Mocks, Belittles Sex Workers

By Bebe Loff <http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/user/bebe-loff>

September 29, 2010 - 4:03pm
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[image: Bebe Loff's picture] <http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/user/bebe-loff>

Last week, four episodes of a film entitled *Prostitutes of God*were posted
on VBS.TV<http://www.vbs.tv/watch/the-vice-guide-to-travel/prostitutes-of-god-full-length>,
which is owned by Vice Magazine. *Prostitutes of God* producer Sarah Harris,
spent time with members of Veshya Anyay Mukti Parishad (meaning
‘Prostitutes’ Freedom from Injustice’) or "VAMP," and let her into their
lives, their families and their workplace.  The result?  Films that are
inaccurate and misrepresentative, and insulting to the people who agreed to
participate and to the Hindu culture.

VAMP was formed in 1996 and now works with more than 5000 women, men, and
transgenders in sex work to promote and protect their human rights and
health. The group covers six districts in Western Maharashtra and two in
North Karnataka. VAMP has been internationally recognised by groups like
Human Rights Watch for their contribution to human rights and for their work
in HIV/AIDS prevention.

However, you would not know any of this from Harris’ film, which is full of
stereotypes and representations of Indian culture that are designed to mock
and belittle.  In addition, Harris’ film puts people in danger-- of stigma,
discrimination and misinformation—through her uninformed and judgemental
editorial lens.  In a recent interview of Harris in the UK Independent
(LINK)—in which she describes her interest in sex work as having originated
when she spent time as a volunteer “with a charity in southern India which
rescues victims of sex trafficking—Harris recounts someone who told her that
HIV/AIDS is like “plucking a bunch of grapes.  As soon as a woman is
infected, then her whole family becomes infected.”

This ignorance and irresponsibility runs rampant throughout *Prostitutes of
God*.  One case in point is that of Belavva. The film maker wrongly states
that the "Devadasi" religious ritual demands that poor families traffic
their daughters into prostitution (that is dedicate them to the goddess
Yellama). She then states that when Belavva was young her family sent her to
work for a landlord who asked her parents to dedicate her - or pimp her out.
This is stated, not implied. It is not true, neither in the instance of the
individual concerned, nor with respect to Hinduism.

Sadly there are many more examples throughout the film, examples that
prompted VAMP to issue the following rebuttal:

It is to be hoped that a person would pretty sure of their evidence when
making these sorts of allegations to the world. Sarah Harris has managed to
misconstrue most of what she has reported, has exploited a trusting
community in the worst possible ways, and has produced a series of films
that are extraordinarily offensive. She has demonstrated racism and has
behaved in ways reminiscent of the most unpleasant forms of colonialism. She
has abused the poorest of people for her own ends.

To manipulate poor people to meet one’s ends is blameworthy. It is
reprehensible to betray the trust of a most vulnerable people merely to make
a film. To, in addition, vilify and disparage a culture and religious
beliefs, as Sarah Harris and VBS TV have done, requires either wilful
ignorance or a determination to produce work that panders to the worst type
of media sensationalism imaginable. The people in the film are part of a
community that wishes to tell their stories and be understood by a broad
audience, but we will not stand by while we are being misrepresented to the

It is to be hoped that a person would be pretty sure of their evidence when
making these sorts of allegations to the world. Sarah Harris has managed to
misconstrue most of what she has reported, has exploited a trusting
community in the worst possible ways, and has produced a series of films
that are extraordinarily offensive. She has demonstrated racism and has
behaved in ways reminiscent of the most unpleasant forms of colonialism.

Sarah Harris and VBS must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. VAMP
members are people with rights including reputational rights.

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