[Reader-list] Fwd: Cynthia McKinney, former Congresswoman, Green Party leader & peace activist, after her returning from a Fact Finding Mission Libya, Tours US Cities to Tell the Truth About US-NATO Aggression in Libya

Venugopalan K M kmvenuannur at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 13:29:59 IST 2011

Cynthia McKinney, former congresswoman, Green Party leader & peace activist,
after her return from Libya on a fact finding mission says :
"I'm making new friends in twenty cities across this country.
.people want the truth..NATO is bombing a town which is very much like
Baltimore..it is collective punishment, which is a war crime to the people
of Libya as they do against the......... Palestinians.We counted 89 bombs by
NATO falling in Tripoli alone, in the second night of the NATO
engagement..We know that the government lie about the murders of Martin
Luther King Jr and Malcolm X.. . This attack on Libya is a direct attack on
all of us of African origin..Our President is committing war crimes and it
makes him a war criminal!.."Earlier, the US government had been at war with
its Black people, and now, it is waging war with every body of US.
Stop the US war in Libya and elsewhere . Stop your wars and war crimes in
collusion with NATO!

She says to Obama:
"If You Are a Recipient of Peace Prize, Make Peace in Home..Make Peace

You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.




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